An Open Door

The door to spring is open now. It is as if it arrived on the wings of a butterfly. I feel the flutter in my soul of better things to come. A new day dawns with the brushstroke of soft light flickering within... Oh, can it be that the tender wings have set us free?

A Garden in Winter

The garden sleeps beneath the winter sky. Above, the stars twinkle in a knowing way. Do they know what the garden dreams in the deep of the night? Does the garden dream in shades of blue, the remembrance of the summer sky, the slate-blue haze of wintry days? At night, the sky is a sea

A New Year

There is a soft wind rising over the sea. It is a song without words, the whisper of things yet to be. I do not need to know all the answers; I do need to listen to the song. It is a song that brings me back again and again... How lovely is this world

Days with Daisy

We have a new family pet! We brought home an eight- month- old Corgi puppy, three days ago. She is a little blessing, arriving just before the holidays. Our tree is up, but we have not yet decorated it. These past few years, we have been decorating the tree on Thanksgiving Day after dinner. We

Almost September

The leaves, they fall so effortlessly, these first harbingers of autumn. It seems too soon, but then, it is always that way: the green, green of summer, and the yellow leaves that make their debut, floating on the August breeze. I watch the leaves fall to the ground... It is mesmerizing to watch them descend,

Beach Towns

Dreaming, drifting, soft wind rising, in these sea-salt days. Billowing clouds gather in a powder blue world set apart. The sea spills gems generously upon the shore, always gifting those seeking treasures. Broken shells, sea glass, and polished stones glitter like tiny stars beneath our feet. We stroll the beach, and the ocean roars; the

The Bluest Sky

I came upon the bluest sky in the midst of a summer day. A sea of calm washed over me, and waves of worry ebbed away. My heart remembered childhood days, when puffs of clouds were sailing ships, or fairy tale castles, piled high. The deep blue sky was a summer friend who called my

Rose Petals

The ground is covered in rose petals. So much pink, after the rain. I think of pink champagne, and the days of my youth. I think of the pink at dawn when a new day unfolds. The petals are soft, kissed by a thousand raindrops. I think of all those kisses, set free in the

Wings to Fly

The world is a busy place, but it is tranquil on the porch. There are the sounds of birds who often come to visit... Sometimes, only one or two, and sometimes, many more. They perch upon the chairs and railings, and are rarely still for long. These winged creatures flutter about, here, there, and everywhere...