A storm can catch us unaware, sudden lightning and buckets of rain pouring down on us; the storms of life can come just as quickly, turning our world upside down.
The storms blow through when we least expect. All is well and then like a lightning bolt has struck, we feel powerless.
Thank God, we have a storm chaser, Jesus, who is not afraid of raging seas or broken hearts. He is the master of the wind at sea, and the master of the trembling spirit within us.
We are not sinking in these times of turmoil, although, it may feel that way to us. There is one who lifts us up with a steady hand. There is one who silences our storms with a wave of his palm.
We are blessed, like Peter, people who can walk upon the water in this life because our God reaches out to us across the sea.
The storms may rage from without or within; it makes no difference; our God has overcome the storm.
” Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him. You of little faith, he said, why did you doubt? And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying,’ truly, truly, you are the son of God.’ ” Mathew 14: 31-32