Every now and then, I forget the importance of my dreamer shoes; I slip on that oh so practical pair in the back of the closet, the pair that might have been perfect, but never really were. They kind of make my feet hurt, but they look good. And they are very practical, sort of like insurance in the event that any kind of inclement weather might hit…hurricanes, thunder storms, hail, and maybe even blinding snow for days on end.
The truth is, the dreamer pair is always a better fit. That is because the ‘perfect shoe’ might not be perfect for us at all. It might look right to other people, and it might be the thing everyone is expecting us to wear. But, somehow, it feels all wrong for us.
The dreamer shoe is different. It is comfortable, but when we want to, we can take them off and go barefoot. We can walk in the grass, or in the sand, and it does not matter what our feet look like. It only matters that our feet do not hurt, and the ground beneath our feet feels wonderful.
Dreamer shoes take us places that we really want to go, and not just the places where we think we should go. We need to be practical with many things, but sometimes we take it too far. We still need to have some fun. That is why from time to time we have to do a closet overhaul; we need to revamp that closet, turn everything upside down, and find the little pair of dreamer shoes waiting there for us.
Our dreamer God who created all the magic on this earth, and in heaven, wants us to have the very best shoes, designed just for us. No two pair are alike and it is never any good when we try to fit into a pair that is not right for us.
And so, the shoes are all very different, but each has its own magic. There are shoes for dancers, shoes for gardeners, shoes for those who play an instrument…and shoes for those who only hear a melody playing in their hearts, but cannot play a tune.
Dreamer shoes do have a certain magic as soon as we put them on. We feel as light as air. We know these are our very own shoes because the fit is perfect. We want to put them on again and again. In fact, we cannot wait for a new day to begin because we get to put our shoes on!
It is a big, wide world; we should stroll the avenues, and take in all that beautiful scenery. It does us good to enjoy the sights and sounds, and to dance to the musicians along the way.
All you need is that perfect pair of shoes tailored just for you by God himself. Like a hand-embroidered quilt, the stitches of dreams are made one by one in every color under the sun…these are the most enchanting and beautiful shoes ever created.
Today is the perfect day to slip them on and take a walk outside. You may discover that you never ever want to take them off. And why should you? Dreams are not just for the young; there is no age limit on dreams, and the big, wide world is waiting just beyond the front door.
I’ve been dreaming a lot in recent days, Linda, but nothing to do with shoes๐. I’ve been dreaming up a new house๐Happy hours spent looking at pictures of rooms and furniture and decor and even the trees and flowers I’d in all probability never have.
I’m a firm believer in dreaming. We must dream if we are to learn to savour. We must dream if we are to even learn.
So, I will continue to dream… until I sense it interfering with reality. That would be the little bell that tells me it’s time to step away for now.
To return later๐
Not all of our dreams come true, but it is important to do the things that make us happy. I love gardening, and I, like you, spend time looking at gardens I will probably never have either. Still, those pictures inspire me and I learn new things. I love the flowers that I do have and I take a lot of pictures of them also! ๐ I think God plants dreams in our hearts and He wants them to come true…It can be simple things that add joy to our days. It might be the garden, or it might be music. We can have many passions and they all help us celebrate life.
How true! I cannot imagine living without being able to escape to our secret world of dreams when we wish.
And many of our dreams come true! As the saying goes,”Life is a mystery to be lived and not a problem to be solved.” We can be practical and deal with all we must in the reality that is our lives, and still find time to actually live our dreams. It may be that we like to paint, and so we dabble in that. You might be a decorator at heart; it could be a vocation that plays out in your home. Nothing need be written in stone and nothing has to be perfect. It is simply living a life that honors the things you love and care about.The house you currently live in might become your ‘dream house’ of sorts…you create a living space that is special for you and your family. ๐
Amazing read! I marveled at the theme of dreamer shoes, and how God provides a perfect pair of shoes for each of us. When we accept God’s grace, He stands ready with those dreamer shoes. Amen Linda!
I think sometimes people get very bogged down under the weight of all their responsibilities.It is easy to do. But somehow, the hand of God is always intervening on behalf of his children. He wants more for them. He wants them to experience His peace and His joy. No two people are alike and so they find joy in a multiplicity of ways. God has a pair of ‘dreamer shoes’ for everyone.
Oh Linda, this is such a beautiful post. I hear a melody playing in my heart!! I look forward to following your inspirational blog. God bless. Anita.
Thank you! You inspire me as well. I am glad I found you in the blogging world! Blessings to you!
Dreamer shoes! What a great and wonderful concept! I love it!๐ ๐๐ฅฟ๐๐ก๐
I had fun writing this one! We do need to keep our dreams alive. Every now and then, we have to take the dust off those ‘dreamer shoes’ and try them on again.