It has been a morning of endless chores; drifts of laundry piled up and ready for play on the merry-go-round, errant belongings all gone astray.
I think of Sanibel Island and I might be there picking shells today; or maybe, I could go to that beach in California, all made up of sea glass.
I remember there is a sink full of dishes; coffee mugs, and cereal bowls stare up at me from a pool of bubbles.
There are no shells or glittering glass; I do not spy a champagne flute in that spacious sea that is my kitchen sink.
I wander out to the yard, and pull some weeds; the early morning breeze is fragrant, and my garden is in bloom!
I stay outdoors, the warm sun upon my back; I am lost in the garden, dreaming dreams of summer, as if it were a storybook without end.
The chrysanthemums are making a show, a sign that autumn is not that far off; I gaze at the porch and I know where I will put my pumpkin.
The sun glitters between towering trees as I collect flowers to bring inside; the butterflies dance in circles, a flutter of delicate wings.
I am not giving up my beachcomber pail; but, there is room in my bucket for garden treasure.
The seasons come and go, and the days pass one by one; the merry-go-round will wait, as I pause before my garden all in bloom.
“The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11

Linda, may life’s garden always be in bloom for you and your loved ones. I can remember my mother’s mums blooming in late summer into the fall.
Thank you! That is a beautiful sentiment! I do love the garden in every season…even in winter when the trees are bare,there is this sense of peace. It is as if in the dormant times, the earth is just waiting for the next thing. I have a little garden statue in my side garden, and when it snows, it is nearly covered up. It is like this little white angel sitting on a bench of snow.
How lovely it is to have a garden to go out to when the dishes in the sink are too many and the laundry pile too high. How could it be that autumn is looming close by? Time is passing by too fast…
I know we are blessed to have dishes to do and laundry to clean! I have always loved outside chores much better than inside chores; for one thing, when you ‘clean’ an outdoor room, it stays cleaner longer. Too funny, but so true! The outside rooms are full of fresh air and sunshine; just an hour working in a garden is like a healing balm.
Beautiful photographs of God’s creations. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a blessed weekend! 🙂
Thank you! The garden is a place of little miracles…I take a lot of pictures, but they are never anything in comparison to what I see before my eyes. Last night, I watched the sunset and I so wanted to capture it with my camera. Instead, I just gazed at it, too overcome to move; it was just that awesome. There are so many things we cannot put into words or pictures, and that is a wonderful thing! Wishing you a blessed weekend also.
This is just beautiful Linda. Love how you wrote around the biblical quote. So lovely to see the garden in bloom and simply be. Blessings, Anita.
Blessings to you as well! Thank you! The garden of life and all the gardens we tend, are the gifts from our Heavenly Father. Each thing that blooms is a joy beyond measure.
beautiful garden!
Thank you! There is nothing quite like a garden…always surprises!
I enjoyed this lovely meditation on the simple joy of being outside in the fresh air and flowers. There is really nothing like it to put a soul at peace.
You are so right. It is amazing the peace we find working in a garden. There are many things in life to stress about, but gardening is a cure for many ills! And a garden is a gift that just keeps on giving…you sow the seeds, but the harvest you reap is plentiful.
Your garden is beautiful!!!
Thank you!