I caught sight of the lilies, balancing my coffee cup in hand; their still, silent wonder made me catch my breath.
No words for such a thing; just a knowing of what is and what is not.
Perhaps, it is their lovely heads, so serene on a summer morning; they are so soft, like the break of a new day, dawning.
It is as if the sunlight pierced through the rafters of my brain, illuminating all those thoughts held captive.
In a watershed of grace, I hold myself steady; drops of dew settle in my soul.
In the end, the truth we cling to is the only truth we understand; the lilies are a talisman, pure as snow.
I am a pilgrim, set free at dawn; the night has passed, but a solitary star remains.
This is how I know my way, a stargazer set out upon the open road; I am not alone.
Other pilgrims walk with me; we travel light, home a place that lives within our hearts.
There is a heaven, and there is the earth, and there is the journey in between; it is a holy passage, one we live day by day.
Mathew 6:28: “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin.”

What beautiful flowers! Thank you for sharing your photographs
Thank you! We are having some hot summer days, but the flowers seem to like it! 🙂
stunning garden, you are blessed!
A garden is a blessing! My favorite time in summer is in the early morning before the heat of the day. The light is perfect and the air is so fresh…the fragrance of the lilies is intoxicating.
sounds delightful but you must do a lot of hard work to have it so lovely 🙂
There is work, but it is worth it! I think tending a garden is good for both the body and the soul! 🙂 You cannot help but feel this great sense of gratitude…so much beauty in a flower garden.
lovely, you obviously enjoy it with a passion!
Yes! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you! The lilies last just a short time, but they are amazing!
These flowers are so beautiful 😍 the way you write is interesting 😊 good job and keep going!!
Thank you! I appreciate your comments. I do love the garden, and when we write about things, we get to enjoy them again and again. It is a way of preserving our memories.
True 😊
I can see how your lilies inspired the poem! Both are just lovely.
Thank you! Happy 4th of July!
Thank you!