September Garden

The marigolds are all that are left in the garden; the weeds are there too, the ones I let grow in profusion.

It is an untidy mess of vines, and green, growing things; still, there is a harmony of sorts, all that lush greenery, a miniature jungle just for me.

The marigolds are magnificent; they hover over the weeds like the summer sun, simply impervious to the rantings of nature.

There is nothing quite like a September garden; the burnished leaves make their debut, the chrysanthemums peek out, and the marigolds blaze yellow and orange, the remembrance of a golden hour.

I focus on that blaze, a beacon for my thoughts; the weeds in life are always there, ensnaring our dreams with endless cares.

So much better to be like the marigold, seeking the sun, come what may; the storms blow in and fade away, and just like that, we are free again.

Song of Songs 4:16: “Awake north wind, and come, south wind! Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread everywhere. Let my beloved come into his garden, and taste its choice fruits.”

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. Lovely, with picturesque lines. God’s grip – Alan

    1. Thank you! The marigolds remind me to keep a sunny attitude! There are always the rough spots in life, but a good attitude goes a long way in turning things around.

  2. always great when there are flowers higher above the weeds

    1. This time of year the garden tends to get neglected. It is soon time for raking leaves, and pumpkins. I love the changing seasons, but I try to keep a bit of summer in my heart always.

  3. beautiful writing, agree with the sentiments you expressed … but we are in spring and planting 🙂

    1. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Just beautiful! You know, I’ve tried to follow your blog several times by entering my email and hitting the “follow” button, but it never seems to work. I’ll keep trying, and please don’t worry about it….I just wanted you to know that I really do want to follow your wonderful blog!

    1. Thank you Ann! I am sorry there is a problem with the blog following. I am not a computer expert, I can assure you of that! It is one of those things I muddle through with. 🙂 I am so glad we are on this blogging journey together!

  5. I had to smile seeing that picture. Believe it or not, just last week, travelling out of state for a family reunion, seeing some grow in gardens lining our route, I developed a desire for marigolds.

    Lo and behold, arriving at our cousins’ home, what did they have growing in happy glory? Marigolds!

    So we brought some back. God willing, these sunset~golds will make my home theirs too!

    1. I did some reading on the meaning of marigolds. There were some references made to Mary’s gold. You might find it interesting to look up. From what I read, it is a flower named in honor of the Virgin Mary. Of course, there are other references as well. Marigolds have always been a sign of joy for me, like sunflowers. But, I love to think of them as Mary’s gold.

      1. Goodness! That is so beautiful!
        And so meaningful, coming at such a time for me.
        Thank you for telling me, Linda.

        1. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  6. Wonderfully written! Enjoyed how you brought the images of the garden back to God’s place in our lives.

    1. Thank you! God is ever with us. He is the one we cling to in this garden of life. When the ‘weeds’ and cares of this world weigh us down, He is there to lift us up.

      1. God certainly does this. Amen!

  7. Oh, yes, this: “So much better to be like the marigold, seeking the sun, come what may; the storms blow in and fade away, and just like that, we are free again.”

    1. The storms can be tough, but always better to remain positive! 🙂

  8. Linda, this is just beautiful! I love flowers and the lessons you bring froth – both life lessons and spiritual lessons are profound and inspiring. Blaze on, dear sister! Blaze on!

    1. Thank you Melissa! A new season is upon us; autumn is almost here. Summer always seems to pass so quickly. Wishing you blessings! 🙂

  9. This is absolutely beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I have been thinking now of your last blog, and I am longing for a walk in the woods! I am glad on this first day of autumn; cooler days promise longer walks in the brisk air.

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