A New View

It is that time of year when we are longing for spring; we are ready to start a new chapter in our lives, one with a brand-new view.

The ‘glitter’ of the holidays is over. Winter seems like a long stretch before those sun-dappled days of summer. Here, in the midst of February, is there any ‘glitter’ to be found? Is there something we are missing on a gray-sky day that promises cold rain or snow?

For myself, the ‘glitter’ of winter is found in the quietude itself. We may find that this very quietude gives us time to think…time to plan, time to dream, time to imagine a ‘new view’ of our lives. In those snowflakes or beads of rain, we might pause and catch a reflection of ourselves; we might contemplate what is, and what could be, if we use our imagination, and take some chances along the way.

It is funny how things never change unless we do. If we attempt to do the same things the same way, we always get the same results. As those silken raindrops brush our cheeks, perhaps, there is a better way. In those snowdrifts of life, maybe our way of thinking needs some ‘brushing up’, a way to make a new path, chart a course to where we want to be.

Every now and then, it is good to change things up a bit. It is okay to try something you have never done before, but always wanted to do. It is good to think ‘outside the box’.

We like our boxes to some extent. We keep things in their places. We can stay in one place like that too; except, we start to feel closed in, like we would like to wiggle our toes in the sand, or run along the beach with a blue sky overhead.

When we start to feel tired and the winter weather is bringing us down, we need to revel in the ‘glitter’ of new beginnings. We need to reflect on where our dreams are waiting…inside of us, of course. And like our ‘summer feet’ that find a path beside the sea, we need to shed those ‘winter boots’ of tired thinking. We need not sink knee-deep in the snow; we can come ‘unstuck’ and find ourselves in a new and altogether better place.

This new view is waiting, right here and now, in the midst of winter. We just have to take a chance and believe that we can be there…starting today, and every day thereafter. It really is our choice to choose the view that matters most to us…the most breathtaking view imaginable!

“Behold, I am making all things new.”: Revelation 21:5

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. So many grey gloomy days during the winter, but when we get a sunny day….WOW! God is in the business of bringing sunshine into the grey days of our personal winters.

    1. So true! I love your comment…”God is in the business of bringing sunshine into the grey days of our personal winters.” πŸ™‚

  2. lovely metaphors, great to pause and review where we are headed and how we might get there … lovely Linda πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you! πŸ™‚ I like to think that all the little steps matter; they point us in the direction we want to go. We do need to pause at times, knowing that in those quiet moments, we learn so much about life and about ourselves as well.

      1. pausing for contemplation is essential for a balanced healthy life πŸ™‚

        1. Yes! We live in a world that tells people they should be endlessly busy and always ‘productive’. Oddly, although it seems counter-intuitive, a few idle moments can give rise to an epiphany. You suddenly find the right answer to a problem that has driven you to distraction. You discover in a few peaceful moments that you are blessed beyond measure. You are so right; ‘contemplation is essential for a balanced life.’

          1. glad you see it’s essential Linda πŸ™‚

  3. Great post. I agree with the glitter of the holidays being well and truly over! Yesterday really felt like Spring here x

    1. It is so easy on New Year’s Day to make all kinds of plans and resolutions. It is also easy to get sidetracked by mid-January! Change takes time and we have to be patient with ourselves. It is starting to feel like an early spring! πŸ™‚

  4. Your picturesque description made me want to put on a jacket. Changes are good & needed. Snow teaches nicely. The prepping of the growth beneath continues even though we lack the visual. Soon to come, like our turned pages. Good words, Linda. -Alan

    1. Yes, in the deep places beneath the snow, spring is being made ready. And so it is with us as well…we ‘bloom’ within even when things seem dormant in our lives. Change is ongoing, little seeds of new beginnings cropping up all the time. We must be open to those seedlings. We must hope and pray that we do not miss the wonder of it all. Life goes by so fast, and we have our cares and worries; we must seize the moments before they are gone.

  5. Wonderful thoughts. I agree this is a great time to think about where we are and perhaps making changes.

    Love this: “In those snowdrifts of life, maybe our way of thinking needs some β€˜brushing up’, a way to make a new path, chart a course to where we want to be.”

    1. Winter is the one time of year that seems to go by slowly. I know summer always flies by! Last winter, I made two vision boards…I still use them! A vision board is such a good reminder not just for our goals, but for remembering to cherish our favorite things.:)

  6. I have so many new, exciting things working in my head, I don’t mind the winter gray outside my window. It’s comforting and it grounds me. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to pause and reflect.

    1. Wishing you a wonderful weekend! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

      1. Thank you, Linda! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well. Ours is windy and encased in ice at the moment, very pretty.

        1. I am looking forward to spring, but each season has its gifts. Stay safe if there is ice on the roads! I agree with you though; ice and snow are incredibly beautiful.

          1. I agree that each season has its gifts. Where I live has four distinct seasons (five, if you count mud season), so I get a new gift four times a year. I telecommute to my job, so I’m able to avoid the danger of ice and snow on the roads.

          2. In Virginia, we have four seasons also…not as much snow and ice. From time to time, we have our share! I love the changing seasons. There is always something to look forward to. πŸ™‚

          3. Yes, each new season brings a sense of second chances.

          4. So true! πŸ™‚

  7. Such inspiring words, Linda! I’m so glad you wrote this post right now, in February when all of spring is still ahead. As we rest in the quietness of winter, we can revel in the thoughts of new things, glittering with the gold of heaven!

    1. I love your comment, “glittering with the gold of heaven.” That is where our treasure is. That is where we find hope for all our days upon the earth. God in His great mercy sprinkles that heavenly glitter of love right here, right now.

  8. Linda, this was so liberating to read, every line of what you’ve written like an endorsement of the little shoots of thoughts and urges within me of late. From weeks past, I keep hearing an unseen voice calling out to me,
    Quality of life
    Quality of life
    Quality of life
    It’s time I heed the angel’s call.

    1. There is always so much going on in the world; in the quiet places of our hearts, God is always calling to us. His angels minister to us, and the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. His voice is the one who always leads us ‘home’ to where our thoughts should be; His voice allows us to discern the purpose of our lives, moment to moment, day to day. This is our faith journey, and one that begins anew each morning.

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