Let the Light In

We have come to a time in America where the light seems dim; it is as if we were on a stage, but all the actors and actresses have forgotten their lines. They don’t know what to say, or think, or do. The world is waiting and watching to see what will happen next.

The people on the stage know deep down in their hearts who they are. But, they are very tired. A global pandemic has kept them housebound for months. The world as they know it has intrinsically changed. Fear has gripped their hearts, and fear has set the stage.

And so, in a darkened room, people are trying to find their way. The stage seems surreal; the sense of reality is suspended. They keep waiting, wanting to begin, but not knowing who should speak first, who should make the first move.

Sometimes in life, you don’t get the chance to ‘practice’. You just have to keep going, hoping the ‘show’ will go on without previous planning. People on the stage get some bumps walking into things they didn’t even know were there. The stage looked different before; everyone knew their part, and everyone knew where to stand. Now, even the props are in different places; it is hard to navigate your way in the dark.

Last night, I cried for a very long time. I wept for our country and the people that I dearly love, all the people that share this beautiful land with me.

I mourned for this nation under God, a nation full of inspired people who do not have a cookie-cutter mentality. I mourned for my people, all of my people who do not share a cookie-cutter shape. We are a nation of beautiful souls, all sizes and shapes, colors, and differing political views. It is as we embrace our differences that we become ever more whole, ever more beautiful.

Jesus spoke, “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” : John 8:12. This is the light that changes the stage; this is the light that brings hope.

I awoke this morning, knowing that I must start again because of the work our Heavenly Father has given us to do. We are to build one another up in love. Love is a powerful force. Love is a light like no other. It has the power to heal. It has the power to make all things new.

It is dark on the stage; we must let the light in. We must let the light come into our hearts. And we must share that light with everyone we know. We must share it with the brothers and sisters of our country, and the entire world.

The world is watching our stage. Who are these people and what are they made of? Who are these people who do not fit in one mold, but are instead a marvelous mix that makes the whole batch better?

How blessed we are that we are not cookie-cutter people. May we honor and respect one another. May we remember that many envy our way of life, and our unbeatable ‘batch’.

I pray for the light to come upon the stage. I pray for the actors to all remember their parts. I pray that the words they speak will be words of compassion and love for one another. The audience may, or may not, applaud; we are not looking for applause. This play is for real, and God Himself, is watching. These are His very own children on the stage, and He loves each and every one of them. They may falter in their lines and make mistakes, but as the very best Father of them all, He forgives them.

The stage is lit. We are ready to begin again. We know who we are, and we know that each one of us can make a difference. And when we get scared and stage-fright grips our beings, we remember the creator of the ‘batch’. He celebrates our uniqueness, blesses us in all our shapes and sizes and colors, applauds our efforts to do our very best. In the end, it is a pretty amazing show with a fabulous cast of characters; it just wouldn’t be the same without each and every one doing their own individual part. It wouldn’t be the same without the playwright who actually wrote the play and knows how it will all turn out in the end; this One knows His lines; this One, we can trust our hearts to. His timing is perfect, and His light is eternal. Praise God! We don’t have to stumble around in the dark; the light is shining right down us, right here and now, and through all eternity.

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. A well thought-out analogy, Linda. We need to see a brilliant dawn. God’s grip – Alan

    1. That is exactly what we need…a brilliant dawn! πŸ™‚

  2. Well said, Linda! And I agree, the best way to make sure we are treating each other well is to remember that each and every one of us is a valued child of God.

    1. The heart of God teaches us much about love; He has plenty of room for all of His children. Life gives us so many opportunities to ‘grow’ in love; God touches our hearts with His love, and asks that we ‘pass it on’.

  3. A strong analogy for our current turmoil, well said!

    1. Love is a universal language; it is God’s language. When we treat others with love and respect, we find peace. Peace seems elusive at times; we must find it within ourselves before we can share it with someone else.

      1. well said Linda, you have much wisdom!

        1. Kate, I must read some of your poems today. You inspire me, and so often make me smile. It is a gift to make others smile. It is a gift to show others that although there are sad notes in the music of life, there are beautiful notes as well. There are notes that resound in joy; we must share these notes with one another.

          1. well said, and thanks so much for your lovely compliment Linda, greatly appreciated πŸ™‚

          2. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  4. Lovely post, Linda (as always!) I’m not in the US but my heart breaks for those who are and who are going through so much during this difficult time.

    1. I have great faith in the people of this country. It is a difficult time. With prayer, and with compassion for one another, I believe we will come out stronger in the end.

  5. We are following the developments in the US very closely and it is very sad to see such a great nation descend to this. But reading of your difficult night was the saddest of all for me, Linda. When a dear friend is hurting, suddenly, it becomes so much more personal.

    But you also wrote of Light and I wish to confirm that as well. 3 days ago, I was gently reminded of this golden promise:
    There is a stream whose runlets gladden the city of God,
    the holy dwelling of the Most High.
    God is in its midst; it shall not be disturbed;
    God will help it at the break of dawn.
    ~ Psalm 46: 6

    1. Thank you for sharing this Psalm with me. God is here in the midst of it all; His healing grace is what we need so desperately right now. It is a very sad chapter in American history. However, there are more chapters to come. We must bind together as a people; we have been through much together in decades past, and we are stronger in unity. Please pray for us. Within every soul, there is a light; we need all those lights to shine across this land.

      1. I will pray, Linda.

        1. Thank you! It means a lot to me…better days ahead!

  6. This is such a eloquent and beautifully-written meditation. Thank you for the gift of your writing.

    1. Thank you Liz! πŸ™‚ I hope you are having a very good day!

      1. You’re welcome, Linda! The day ended up being good.

  7. Linda, once again you have poetically captured the hearts of the people. I weep for our country, too. Founded on such beautiful truths, but these have been marred with sinful actions against others. Sin on top of sin on top of sin. May we look to the Light, Jesus Christ, the author and finisher of our faith. He alone can help us regain our places, first in Him and then so we can see one another through His light.

    1. Only God can change hearts. Only God, the author of love, knows the answers to our present turmoil. But, I trust Him and I know He hears our every prayer. God is faithful. He keeps His promises. His love and mercy are without end. Where we see endings, God sees beginnings. He makes all things new as scripture tells us. And so, we have hope…even in times of great tribulation.

    1. Thank you! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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