At first glance, it may seem that this is not the year for summertime wishes; why wish for happy things when the whole world seems to be in chaos? And yet, in the midst of that chaos, summertime is here. Our hearts remember summers from long ago when we were children. We remember running in the freshly mowed grass; our bare feet told the tale with their lovely green stains. We remember listening to the crickets at night; oh, that chirping can keep a person awake past bedtime! We remember the days of sand between our toes at the beach, and running under the sprinkler at home.
Summer is a season that evokes so much emotion in us. It sparks a sense of freedom that was born in our youth when school got out in June. One fine day, it was summer at last; we could not wait to plunge right in to those endless summer days, full of promise, just waiting for our boundless energy.
Summertime was a time when dreams came true. You could sleep in longer, and play outside later in the evenings. It was a time for imagining all kinds of possibilities. There was the ice cream truck with a little clanging bell. That little bell was a reminder that life really was sweeter in the summer!
Even when we were all grown up, we liked the enchantment of summer. There were books to read at the beach, and marshmallows to roast over an open fire. There was corn on the cob, and tomato sandwiches to enjoy. There were rich, ripe strawberries to eat, and blueberries to devour by the handful. Somehow, in summer, everything always tasted just a little bit better.
I have always believed, that deep down inside, each and every one of us has a summertime self; this summertime person worries a little less, enjoys life a whole lot more, and rides out the waves in life with a surfer’s gusto.
I think more than ever, we need to be those summertime people now. We need to capture a spark of our childhood self, the one who believed better things were coming around the bend. We need to remember that this season of ‘woe’ in America will pass; like the sandy shore itself, the tide ebbs and flows, changing the coastline. The sand is still pristine after a storm passes through. Moreover, not a grain of sand is missed by God; He knows the count; He knows the dunes we climb.
We must make peace with this moment in time. We must keep moving forward, confident that God goes before us. The swirling sand may sting our eyes, and our feet may be weary. Still, the coastline is a beautiful place, and there are treasures everywhere…little signs that all will be well once again.
It is okay to make summertime wishes right here and now. It is good to find refreshment in the carefree summer breeze. Don’t be surprised when some of the summertime wishes come true; we find wonderful things in the most unlikely places, and in the strangest of times.
This summer our porch is our summertime place. We have had porch picnics and porch parties. We have looked up upon the moon on many a summer evening; we have listened to the rain on many a stormy afternoon. And there on the porch, without fail, I find time for prayer, and the making of summertime wishes. I know they will not all come true, but I make them anyway.
Walt Disney said, ” A dream is a wish you make with your heart when you are fast asleep.” A summertime wish is one you make when you are wide-awake, but still dreaming of better things, and better days ahead.
May we make our summertime wishes together, and may we believe they will all come true, one summer day at a time. May we bring our ‘summer selves’ to every challenge we encounter. And when we falter in the deepest sand, and feel we cannot take another step, may we remember the One who knows the rugged shoreline; He will tarry with us into every season of our lives and beyond. For us, the coast is clear and the glittering sea sparkles without end.
Ecclesiastes 3:1: “To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven.”

“Summer time self”, I like that. My adventurous self…
With your great sense of adventure, you might be an ‘all the time’ summer person. Hope this latest adventure will be a great one for you!
So very descriptive, Linda. Theater of the mind done so well. His grip – Alan
Happy 4th of July weekend! Wishing you blessings!!!
Thank you for this. I needed it today.
Wishing you many summertime wishes come true! We have so many good things to celebrate…even now, in the summer of 2020. π
It’s good to be reminded of that, thank you.
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I love the summertime memories you dug up for me! May we enjoy each precious moment, right here, right where we are, for God’s blessings still overflow like the warm summer sun. Beautiful reminder, Linda! Thank you!
Wishing you a very good weekend Melissa! Funny, but it is the simple things we remember best; simple things that brought us so much joy.:)
I love this summertime wonder that you’ve created so well … oh that minority groups had summertime wishes also! I often wonder if they can be so bold …
I like to believe no one has a monopoly on wishes and dreams. I also believe that dreams are a very individual thing. What works for one person does not work for another in terms of happiness. That is why parents must teach their children to believe in themselves; they must teach them to strive to be true to who they are and what they believe in. We first learn at home when we are very little to wish and dream; this is where dreamers begin their journey.
very true words Linda π
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That is absolutely the right verse for these times. And yes, when I get too discouraged, I just remember that this is summer: fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, going outside barefoot, long days, etc……there are still LOTS of things to enjoy and be thankful for!
We are blessed Ann, with so many good things! Happy 4th of July!
Love that quote from Ecclesiastes 3:1. So beautiful and so true. This Summer certainly isn’t like any other but it’s okay to wish for things and enjoy it as much as we can!
Yes! We must make the most of each and every day! π