Winter soon will come; white snow will blanket the earth.
I feel the shifting seasons in my bones; I understand the chill of what will be.
Still, I cling to my pieces of sea glass; I hold them up to the sun.
They shimmer endlessly, turquoise, green, and amber; yesterday’s treasure is mine to keep.
The ocean breaks upon the shore; the sea gives up her bounty.
The dreamers stoop to collect the bits and pieces of broken things; broken things have a beauty all their own.
Last evening, before the sun slipped away, I saw a lovely egret; he was as white as snow, and so serene.
I paused to watch him for as long as I could, daylight quickly disappearing; those snowy feathers are captivating.
I feel the shifting seasons in my bones; my heart knows only to create a mosaic of all that has washed up upon the shoreline.
I spy the sea glass deep within my soul, know that it is safe; I have weathered so many storms, felt the gale winds beat against my limbs.
The broken pieces fit together, fused only by light and love; it is the never ending summer of which I speak, the spark of heaven that glitters within.

Beautiful. I especially like “broken things have a beauty all their own.”
Thank you! It is the truth; broken things have a beauty like no other. Perhaps, it is because they have a story to tell. Or perhaps, it is simply the uniqueness that is intriguing. Sea glass must be weathered in order to obtain its beauty; so too, in our lifetimes, we ‘weather’ as well. I like to think the sharp edges fade, but in its own way the glass becomes ever more enchanting.
I understand the feeling of the change of seasons deep in your bones. Ugh
It is sad, but true…one of the telling signs of the changing seasons!
Such a beautiful poem! Love this!
Thank you! I love sea glass! I have quite a collection…:)
So descriptive, Linda.
Thank you! I hope you have a very good weekend!
Loved that picture of the egret, Linda. We hear them here, at the crack of dawn, and especially at the close of day. Their call presses a stillness into the soul, reminding that it is time to slow down and ease into rest. And that’s just what your photo did for me.
Oh, the egrets are the most marvelous creatures! They do remind us to be still…
This is such a lovely meditation on the passing season and the beauty that endures. Sea glass holds special meaning for me, too.
I believe that we are kindred spirits! 🙂
Yes, I think we are. 🙂
We will get our first snow tomorrow up to 5″ so says the weather people. Change is indeed in the air.
Enjoy that first beautiful snowfall! I am looking forward to seeing the pictures!
This is beautiful! So descriptive and atmospheric! I love Winter and the snow. Sadly we don’t get enough of it in the UK!
I love the snow, but I am not crazy about cold weather! 🙂
so wondrously created Linda, a meditative weave of life and hope … it’s all within no matter the outer struggles 🙂
You are right, Kate. We cannot change the world; we can keep our own perspective.
and it’s the one that matter most, to us and our close ones 🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
Lovely musings!
I saw a white egret today, too, but I wasn’t able to get a photo.
The egrets are lovely! You can lose track of time, watching them… It is not always easy to get a good picture. I do enjoy the photographs on your blog!
Thank you very much!
You are welcome! In these pandemic days, so much in our lives has changed. Yes, it is heartbreaking in so many ways. And yet, it is a wondrous and beautiful thing that people, like you, have chosen to lift others up with your poetry and with your photography.
That’s very kind. Thank you.
Your writing is beautiful!
Thank you! Writing things down helps me to express my feelings. That is why I keep a journal. My journals are full of all kinds of things…even recipes! 🙂
I feel the same with the writing. Also, it helps me organize my thoughts and remember the recipes.
What a beautiful poem, Linda! Thank you!
Thank you Ann! I hope you have a wonderful week! 🙂