It is time to cast off from the dock of 2020; we are about to set sail into a new year, a year full of adventure and promise.
There is something magical about setting out on a new venture. You look back at the shoreline, and remember where you have been. Then, you take a deep breath, whisper a prayer, and move on.
Once you have left the dock, you know a journey of adventure awaits; there may be storms at sea, but there may well be some of the best experiences of your life. You just never can tell.
First and foremost, you must believe that the very best things in life might be just ahead, as you turn the bend and the scenery changes. The scenery is always changing. As you travel along, there will be gifts that come your way; you must be open to the gifts. You must thank God for these incredible strokes of good fortune. They are not random. God is perpetually intervening on our behalf. In the midst of the commonplace, the divine intercedes. Never question the mystery; accept the divine wisdom of God who knows better than you or I, the plans He has for the universe. (And, also, the plans He has for us.)
Every day as we venture out into the sea of life, there are opportunities to express our gratitude, to build up the community of saints, to walk in the path God has set for us to walk. We must stay true to the lessons we have been taught, the lessons in love that have been written upon our hearts. In the end, love is the only thing that will have mattered in our lives. Did we love well enough? Did we forgive others? Did we open our hearts to the deep well of God’s love so that we did not grow thirsty in this life and faint?
You must also believe that this adventure of life itself is an incredible gift from God; He points you in the direction of the stars. He is your biggest fan, cheering you on whether the raindrops fall, or the skies are clear.
Throughout your life, faith must be your compass. In this way, you will appreciate the sights and sounds along the way, even the things you do not understand. If you can remember to see as children see, and to believe as children believe, the blessings will astound you. Choirs of angels will serenade you when you least expect. In your darkest hours of grief and pain, the light of Christ will explode within your soul and you will be set free. The chains that choke you will fall away; the love of God will carry you home.
We miss so much because we do not see the beauty spread out before us on any given day. Each day holds promise. Each day is still a mysterious blend of magical things…full moons that radiate their glow across the deep waters, sunsets that will amaze you with their myriad of hues, snowflakes that dance before your eyes.
Yes, we feel cheated by the year that has been 2020. Yes, we grieve for those that have lost their beloveds. And yes, we are not completely out of the woods. The pandemic has not yet cleared out of our lives. But, we are buoyed up with much more hope than we had months ago…we have vaccines, and better strategies for dealing with this virus when people become ill.
So, let us go forth to the pier. Let us wish and wonder. Let us pack our bags, but leave the heavy baggage to God. There are so many heavy things that He does not want us to lift alone. This is why we often suffer; we pick up those cumbersome bags not meant for us. We cry out in anguish that we cannot fix the broken things in those bags. Not all the broken things in the world are meant for us to fix. God has better tools. God’s vision exceeds our limited scope of sight. Here again, we must trust in the One who created the heavens and the earth…and you and I. We must trust Him to navigate our way at all times.
Breathe in deep gulps of the fresh sea air. Exhale all the pain that is making you feel weak and afraid. Plot the course you imagine for the year, 2021. Look up into the sky and notice the sea birds. Look how they glide, and then take rest. Look how they soar in the deep blue sky above.
Imagine you are as free as one of those sea gulls; in Christ, you are set free as well. Throw off the lines, and set your heart on new beginnings. You are about to sail into the new year, 2021!
God has promised to be with us always; in Him, the adventure is everlasting and beautiful, beyond our wildest expectations. Take that deep breath of God-given air, and whisper a prayer…of course, He is listening. He will board the boat with you, and sit beside you. Leave your fears in His lap, and trust the wind of His unfailing love to guide you, no matter what.
In the words of Henry David Thoreau: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”
“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”: Joshua 1:9.

“Not all the broken things in the world are meant for us to fix. ”
You got me there Linda. God gave me an incredible gift of out of the box creativity and I spend a lot of time trying to fix things and people. Which I am not very good at.
I too, try to fix so many things I wish I just left alone. God has a way of mending the broken things; sometimes, I stand back and think, “Wow, I thought I had that all figured out.” No way! So often, the Lord will speak to me in the quiet moments of the day…”my child, you worry so much and try so hard…trust me with the details. When I place my hand in His, and just let go, the fear evaporates. Later, I see that He had it all worked out…all that worry, such a waste of time.
I am so glad that I am not the captain of my ship. Off and away, Linda.
Happy New Year! We have the very best captain!!! Wishing you calm seas and the best of everything in 2021!
Thank you for the New Year’s message of hope, Linda!
We must keep our hopes high! Happy New Year! Wishing you blessings in the year to come. 🙂
Happy New Year, Linda!
Happy New Year Svet! I am sure you are cooking up some great food for New Year’s Eve at your house!
Yes :), Today I made chiken liver pate and left a salad and a salmon for tomorrow. All the best wished for the next year!
Ohhhh, that was so deep, touching and Spirit-filled. God has truly spoken through you. It is the night of the 31st here, less than 2 hours to the crossing of the threshold. I wish every soul that fears the crossover could read your words, Linda.
Wishing you a blessed New Year’s Eve with your family… And, wishing you blessings to last the whole New Year through!
Well said! Much to reflect on as we enter the new year!
Happy New Year! Wishing you many blessings in the year ahead! 🙂
Oh Linda, the imagery you used is beautiful and profound! I love how you helped us set sail, leaving behind the pain and sorrows and looking ahead to the new places the Lord would lead us. And yes, the love. May God’s love be our anchor through it all. God bless you and your family in the new year, dear Linda!
As you have put it so eloquently, God’s love is our anchor through all our days. He is our stronghold; He is our joy without end! God bless you Melissa in this New year…
Such a beautiful post! I loved this quote: Once you have left the dock, you know a journey of adventure awaits; there may be storms at sea, but there may well be some of the best experiences of your life. You just never can tell.
Very true! It really gets me excited for the year ahead. Happy New Year! x
Wishing you a wonderful start to a bright and shiny New Year! As we turn the page, there are as yet, unwritten chapters to write. Jenny, you get to write about some of those chapters in a brand-new garden office! 🙂
I loved this post, but my favorite sentence was, “throughout your life, faith must be your compass.” That is so true! Thanks for the reminder that even though we don’t know all the details of our future journey, we do know who is by our side through it all and who is in charge. Personally, that helps me calm down and let go of my need to try to control things that are simply beyond my control. I may not understand all that is going on around me, but that’s okay. God understands it and plans it, and that’s enough for me!
There is that quote, “Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” ( Soren Kierkegaard) I am a planner, and I love planning things out. I have a daily planner, important dates marked on the calendar, and journals with endless notes. On the other hand, I also like living in the moment and enjoying life as it happens. I try to strike a balance. God often surprises me in the midst of my ‘planning’; so many wonderful things have happened in my life that I never ‘planned’. Sometimes, too, we have to laugh at ourselves when we take things too seriously. Most planners are big on lists…My sister in law, Laura, was teasing me one day and remarked about my food-shopping list. “Oh, I see you have that list with a number beside each thing!” (It is true. My lists are numbered with the important things on top.) I never noticed that I even did that! It made me laugh; it is such a silly thing!
Happy New Year Linda … love your metaphor of the sea of life, having gratitude and looking for the best … everything unfolds as it’s meant to, no need to label it 🙂
Happy New Year Kate! Yes, everything unfolds as it is meant to…:)
we struggle with the bigger picture but it’s all meant, our lessons and our blessings are just what we need 🙂