Last night, we caught a glimpse of the first fireflies.
High above the Magnolia trees, they lit up the night.
I wait for them each and every year, just as I did as a child.
Always, they surprise me, blinking lights out of nowhere.
I watch and wonder, as the fireflies dance in the dark.
Like life itself, the flight of the fireflies is mysterious.
You watch and wait
but, all along
the light is shining right in front of you.

John 8:12: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
It is that time of year for all the little creatures to be out and about! I am going to post some pictures that I took last year…

From my garden…

Little visitor…

So green…by the river.

My roses…just starting to bloom now.
Be the light😊
Yes! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Looks like spring found you…I love fireflies. nice pictures as well. We are drab here so far. I often think of John 8:12 when I’m taking pictures as nothing is seen without the presence of light. Powerful thoughts. I have been thinking of how to take pictures of fireflies when they come out here. maybe end of may??
I would so love to see some pictures of the fireflies! 🙂 I was kind of surprised to see them so early…I do not think I could capture their magic the way you can with a camera. What a wonderful thing to photograph, but I will stick to the butterflies!
Lovely, Linda! One of my favorite childhood memories is of chasing the fireflies at night!
I never wanted to come indoors on summer nights. I loved running barefoot in the grass chasing those fireflies. 🙂 It is something we all seem to remember all of our lives.
Oh, the nature in its full glory! This time of the year my plum tree and cherry trees are in full blossom and it so nice to see in my backyard.
Your yard sounds beautiful! Think of the wonderful culinary creations to be had with those plums, and cherries, if they are not ornamental. 🙂 When I was little we had Mulberry trees and I loved those berries. My hands and feet were always stained purple eating that delicious fruit. 🙂
My childhood in Ohio was magical in the summer! One of the big reasons was the appearance on a warm summer’s eve of the fireflies flitting to and fro. When I was very little, I think I asked my mother if those were angels…
Oh, that is such a beautiful thought! Children do see the world in the most marvelous ways. There is something about light-up bugs in the dark night; we sense that God’s universe is so grand and wondrous, full of magical things!
I hope she responded yes!
🙂 🙂 🙂
Love you photos.
Thank you! I love this time of year…everything coming to life!
you light up our life with bright words of wisdom … lovely garden and love those little critters 🙂
It is astonishing how much wisdom is found in nature. God has gifted us in His creation with so much…little birds that teach us how to sing even on cloudy days, trees that teach us we must bend in life’s storms, slender green shoots that rise each spring, teaching us to not lose hope…ever!
so poetic Linda, you have talent!
🙂 🙂 🙂
“You watch and wait but, all along the light is shining right in front of you.” I will think of this when our fireflies return. By mid-may they should be dancing above our trees and across the fields once again.
The return of the fireflies each year is such a happy thing. One night, when all four of my children were still living at home, we were out on the back deck. There was this spectacular firefly light show…the entire woods seemed to light up. It is a night that I will always remember, and all of us were impacted by it. I wish you much joy come May, when the fireflies will dance once again…
Glad you saw the fireflies! Over the past few years I have seen fewer and fewer of them, disappointing (and worrisome as signs of environmental changes) as, like you, they were favorites for me in my childhood!
We see quite a few of them. I worry as you do about their survival. Last Christmas Eve, we had so many honey bees on my Camellias. It was such a joy to see them! I don’t see all that many honey bees anymore. Now, the Azaleas are in bloom and there are lots of bumblebees on them.
I love your poem about the wonder of fireflies as a metaphor for life. My husband and I get to watch them through the windows of our back porch when we watch TV–and it’s always a surprise to see them!
It is mesmerizing to watch them! It is certainly a sign that summer is not far away…I am enjoying spring!
Our trees are finally budding, hurray!
I am so happy for you…spring is such a beautiful season! 🙂
You are way ahead of us with fire flies and blooming plants. But I saw my first hummingbird up here in the Boston area today! So exciting. I agree with you though-fireflies are light magic.
I think it is early even in Virginia for fireflies…we have had some warm summerlike days! If you have seen a hummingbird, the spring flowers will soon be blooming! 🙂
We have daffodils and soon…tulips. The hummingbirds love red, so as soon as it’s time to plant, I always add lots of red flowers. 🙂 By the way, I love Virginia. A beautiful state.
I have lived in several states. I love Virginia, but I think each state has its own beauty. Gardening in the spring here is such a joy. Come summer, it is pretty hot! Except for weeding, I try to have everything else done. 🙂 Your red flowers sound lovely…like the wonderful stories you write, I am sure they are beautiful.
Such beauty. God’s grip – Alan
Yes! This is an awesome time of year! I know after the winter you had, you are ready for the arrival of spring!
Amen to that!
Sweetness is sometimes best when it comes to us in tiny parcels. So it is with the fireflies, I think. Their tiny pinpricks of light can possibly do more for our hearts than big flashes. There was a time when we were free only at night and that was when my husband and I took our walks. A few times, a firefly has appeared out of nowhere, and led the way, gently shining its light for us. I like the thought expressed before this that fireflies might be angels. I think they are the lanterns baby angels hold out for us when we cannot quite see where life is leading us.
That is such a beautiful thought…’the lanterns baby angels hold out to us when we cannot see where life is leading us.’ I do know this; we need our lanterns! We are so blessed that God spills His light everywhere…within and without, so we do indeed find our way!
Linda, I enjoyed how you tied your poem to Scripture. Growing up in Montana, the more arid climate isn’t well-suited for fireflies. I can vividly remember my young daughters discovering them for the first time at a family reunion in Wisconsin.
I have never been to Montana, but I would like to go there. I have never been further west than the mid-western states. Each part of the country has something different to offer. I cannot remember the first time I saw a firefly, but they are part of my early remembrances of summer. Somehow, they were always there, like honeysuckle, and honey bees.
Like life itself, the flight of the fireflies is mysterious.
You watch and wait
but, all along
the light is shining right in front of you.
These lines are SO BEAUTIFUL. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us!
Thank you Jenny! 🙂 These springtime days are passing quickly…I hope you are enjoying your garden office! I always picture you working there with beautiful greenery all around you!