It is that time of year when people are planting their gardens, training flowers to grow on a trellis, and brick by brick, designing a garden path or terrace. It can seem a slow and arduous task, the laying of one brick, and then another, and then another. It is not until you are done and the design is completed, that all the hard work can be fully appreciated. In the end, all those bricks together form a beautiful new patio or garden walkway.
It can be said that so many of our dreams are built in much the same way…one brick at a time, one day at a time. Often, we yearn for quick answers to our problems, and quick results at whatever we are attempting to do. We would prefer that things moved at a much quicker pace; it is not always easy to wait for the finished outcome.
The truth is that so many things worth working for in life take time and patience to achieve. Gardens do not bloom overnight. The vines on our trellises require constant attention. The relationships in our lives need plenty of sunshine and care. Our faith in God is nurtured daily by the little things…time spent in God’s word, fellowship with other believers, the training of a grateful heart, prayer as the centerpiece of our lives.
Slowly, over time, a great cathedral is built within our very souls. We grow in trust. We learn to depend on God in the good times, and the not so good times. We know that He is with us whether we are in the valley, or upon a mountaintop.
All the bricks are there, fashioned together by God’s grace. He alone knew the perfect pattern for the dreams of your heart. He alone knew what the final outcome would be…something beautiful, something that would last forever.
A garden is enchanting. The blooms will astound you. But, if you looked into a garden pond, and caught a reflection of yourself, what would you see? Would you understand that the One who created that image labored over even the smallest details? Would you understand that He looks upon you as you look upon the work of your hands in the garden? You are delighted to happen upon a solitary purple iris blooming in an unexpected place. You love the radiant roses, despite the thorns.
In some ways, a lifetime seems a short time for all that is accomplished. The master brick-layer has the most glorious plans for the garden that He oversees. Every brick has a purpose; each design is unique.
Now, in the springtime of our lives, and really, isn’t it always spring, considering the blessings that unfold day to day? Now, today, let us celebrate the clematis spinning upon the vine, and the little pansies smiling up at us. Let us rest in God when we grow weary of too much work ahead of us; may we find a garden bench and sit beneath the sun, if only for a few minutes to gather our thoughts.
Let us remember who we are and rejoice in the reflection God has planned for us to be. We are always in a state of becoming closer to the dream God envisioned for us from the very beginning. Ultimately, nothing can change that. What we see as cracks or crevices in the walkway, God uses for our good. He might even plant a seed there that becomes a magnificent flower, a vestige of beauty we never expected.
Yes, brick by brick, and day by day, our lives and dreams are built. As we walk quietly through the garden gate of this life each morning, we know we are on the right path. All is as it should be. How do we know this? We know because we follow the One who is able to lead us. We know that we can trust Him to guide us. He alone can train us in His ways. Like a trellis of beautiful flowers, our lives take shape, unfolding bountifully, as we cling to the vine that will sustain us now and forevermore.
Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it”.

A Solitary Iris!
It certainly reminds me of the process of writing a book. My second one is in the (self) publishing process right now. Just got to see the compelling cover this week. Parts of this second one are easier, having endorsers this time because of the first one, but it’s still the same slogging and sculpting process. And God changing me as well. With this one I’ve been able to share generosity, having been blessed by other writers. What an amazing and humbling process.
I do wish you blessings on your second book! It is a feat of accomplishment! The ‘sculpting’ of a book is a very good analogy. Congratulations Joy!!! And Happy Mother’s Day!
I’m looking forward to purchasing my copy when it’s released!
π π π
Compelling imagery.
Yes! God is always at work in the garden of life; He loves every little growing thing, praises even the most subtle change in maturation. Just as we praise our toddler’s first steps, He is eager to commend us at every turn.
You reminded me of Rudyard Kiplings quote: βGardens are not made by singing ‘Oh, how beautiful!’ and sitting in the shade.β Don and I were talking this morning about being in the now, which is part of the growing season. A wonderful reflection to begin my day.
Gardens are so very beautiful…and they are so very much a labor of love! π As we labor in a garden, we find that we are living in the moment…blue sky above, the birds singing, our garden gloves soiled with dirt from the earth. I sometimes think that the more time we spend in God’s gardens, the more we understand the seasons of life. The seasons are forever changing, and the garden teaches you to adapt to the flow…every season will offer you something altogether new. You must be open to the harvest at hand.
I love the Kipling quote, Rebecca! I hadn’t heard it before.
Wonderful quote and oh, so true!
Do you know where I first heard the name Rudyard Kipling? In the game βAuthors.β I was so pleased to know that you loved that game. It was brilliant, wasnβt it!
π π π
What a picture of maturing in Christ!
Yes! One day at a time! Like stepping stones on a journey of so many miles, we take it one step at a time. And, somehow, it is enough. Our feet keep moving and our hearts learn the cadence of measured beats in the language of love.
Of all the mis-adventures I seem to keep having in life, I do not ever want to be found not clinging to the vine. Brick by brick truly is how we are built into something fit for the masters portfolio, only something he could do when we get out of the way. Thanks Lind for this rock solid truth. Love the Iris Linda, a lot of people will identify with it.
You are so right Gary! As long as we cling to the vine, life unfolds as it should. There may be storms and relentless rain; still, the flowers bloom, with each passing day. Like a constellation of stars, the blooms reach toward heaven, eternity to light their way.
Thank you for another uplifting reflection, Linda. I always enjoy them.
I am so glad! π Wishing you a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend!
Thank you, Linda. I was surprised last night by the delivery of a big vase of flowers from my daughter and son-in-law on the West Coast.
What a lovely surprise! Flowers really do say so much…In so many ways, flowers are always the perfect gift!
I love this post and the idea of building thing in life brick by brick. It’s a much steadier way to built things in life, I think!
Sometimes, we shortchange ourselves in how far we have already come. The road ahead can seem daunting. But, when we look back at how far we have traveled, we see things differently. We come to see that each brick counted, and nothing was wasted. The daily ‘bricks’ matter. Day by day, brick by brick, dreams unfold; each brick builds upon the other, a unity of vision. (Also, in Matthew 19:26, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”) (We always ask God’s blessings with the bricks, trust the One who set the foundation of the heavens and the earth.)
Today was my last day of work before we have a bit of a break for a week. It has been a rather busy 2 weeks and I was feeling its effects. I’m much calmer than before but still too worked up inside. I thought to myself, I need a Linda-post to set me aright – and voila, here it is! My healing is in the garden, pot by pot, plant by plant.
Yes! There is so much healing to be found in the garden! You come to see that things do not have to be perfect in order to be beautiful. The weeds come back no matter how hard you try to discourage them. But, it is okay. The green growing things and the happy blooms make it all worthwhile. (Like when the babies were born and we were so very tired with all that laundry and sleepless nights…and then, they smiled, and it was all worth it, every minute.) π π π
I loved the analogy you drew between gardening and taking care of babies. It is spot on!
Once again you have painted a beautiful picture and created a glorious bouquet with your words and ideas. Wonderful analogies of planting, building, and allowing the Spirit to grow in beauty and stature in our lives. I love garden metaphors – there are so many in this bountiful creation! God’s Presence is everywhere! As we take time to plant and tend a garden and our dreams, we come to know the Spirit in new and mysterious ways. We learn patience and faith, simplicity and abundance.
I love that you mentioned mystery, for there is much in life that we do not understand. Perhaps, therein lies the beauty of life…the fact that we must trust God with all things. You are so right that the garden is abundant; the wildflowers of life bloom in profusion.
Love this, Linda. So strong. Also, the “Cathedral built within our very souls”. Beautifully put. God’s grip – Alan
The cathedral within is the work of God. Our lives are really a love story that only deepens with time. When our hearts seem broken, God fills in the cracks. It is God’s pure love that teaches us how to love in the first place, how to forgive, and how to begin again when the storms of life have taken their toll.
I loved reading this!
I am so glad! Hope all is well with you! π
Wonderful writing. And so true. This reminds me of the hummingbird mama building her nest and then even rebuilding it again. She didn’t lose patience and she didn’t ask for it all to be “just done.” She just went on doing her work, trusting that she was moving closer to God’s dream for her.
What a lovely comment!!! π Hummingbirds are such awesome creatures. We learn much from our feathered friends. They teach us so much about the art of living…learning to build our dreams without ever giving up. Twig by twig, a nest comes together! π
So true! And one of the many examples of this in my life is how starting my blog led me to be in relationship with so many fantastic people who have helped deepen my faith. Brick by brick, indeed. Thanks for being one of my “bricks!”
You are certainly one of my ‘bricks’ Ann! π π π You are so right…the blogging trail has introduced us to some wonderful people!
[…] Β Β Β Β And in nibbles. A bit of everything. Bit by bit. Or brick by brick as Linda Raha wrote in her beautiful, compelling […]
I must remind myself of this often…one day at a time, one brick at a time. Sometimes, the change seems slow, but life is a work in progress. π
Gorgeous reminder of the garden within us, and the need for Patience!
Of all virtues, patience seems to be the key that opens so many otherwise locked doors. Being patient with ourselves takes work; we are oftentimes hardest on ourselves.
The garden within is always growing, a profusion of flowers that God tends with His loving hands. How wonderful that God looks each morning for the flowers, and is not discouraged by the weeds! π
a well woven entreaty for patience, a priceless quality!
Patience seems to be the glue in life that holds everything together! π Without that glue, many broken things could not be fixed, including our broken hearts at times! Patience allows us to be hopeful, to keep trying, to make a new start…even in times of great adversity.