Dare we dream in September
beneath the bluest skies
of better days to come?
The leaves give way
to the most enchanting hues
that mirror the sun above.
We see our own reflection,
captured in those leaves
of autumnal gold.
We know the finery
belongs to God,
the soft September wind, a calling.
The light flickers, September pauses
like a barn cat, fast asleep, in the hay
on a blissful summer day.
We dream
beneath the bluest skies
the glow of eternity, burning bright.
We set out as travelers
in the early autumn light.
Our hearts embrace the open road.
The winding road has gentle curves;
we journey past a sea of sunflowers,
kissed by the dawn of a new day.
It is a lovely thing to dream
and begin yet again,
as if the sunflower seeds were without end.
September dreams, they flutter with boundless grace,
clinging to our very souls.
We gather leaves of remembrance, amidst the falling flurry.

These September days have slipped by so quickly! I glance at my planner, and I am awed at all that has taken place in one month. My mother’s home is almost ready to be put on the market. To say the least, it has been a labor of love.
We have worked together as a family, weeding and planting, cleaning and sorting, painting and polishing. The house looks wonderful and my mother would be pleased with the results.
It is true enough that, ‘Many hands make light work’. Without the combined effort of many of our family members, we would not have gotten the job done. As strange as it sounds, we have had some fun along the way as well!
As siblings, we have spent a lot of time together from start to finish on this project. My sister and I painted the porch railings and deck railings, side by side. My brother worked side by side with his brother in laws on various endeavors.
Our children, and our nieces and nephews, all pitched in as well. There was plenty of work to be done, and we deeply appreciate the time and effort these young people invested.
Now, as we work with a realtor on little details, it is nice to see the house and yard looking so nice. I planted chrysanthemums and placed pumpkins in the gardens. It has that festive feel of autumn.
The house is ready for a new family to move in. It looks cozy and warm, and we are ready to turn over the keys to a new owner. I have prayed for the family who buys this house. I hope they find much joy within these rooms of my mother’s former home.
It is a funny thing with a house. Once all the personal belongings are removed, and the walls are freshly painted, the house takes on a whole new character. The little dwelling stands ready for a new chapter, a new beginning.
Perhaps, it is like that in our own lives as well. When we remove some of the clutter, and open ourselves to new ideas, that ‘September light’ floods the rooms of our own minds with a fresh start.
It is always the right time to let the light of God’s love radiate within our hearts. Just as we have placed a welcome sign at my mother’s house, so too, must we put a welcome sign out to God each and every day. We are ‘open’ to sharing His love. We bask in the light that only He can give, and we carry that light with us, wherever we go, house to house, until we reach our eternal home in heaven.
How blessed we are with new beginnings! How blessed we are with the new life that has been given to us in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Praise God for His everlasting love and mercy in these September hours, and in all the hours of our lives!
Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand.”

In the picture above, all of us are dressed in peach, myself, my husband, and my mother. The picture was taken a few years ago, but it is one of my favorite poses. We did not plan to all wear the same color that day! I love the ‘hope’ sign on the wall behind us. Again, it was not really planned. Now, it is a happy thing to look back upon.
You captured this time of year so well. And the bittersweetness of getting ready to hand off your mother’s place to the next family. I sure enjoyed the barn cat showing up.
My mother grew up on a farm and she loved her barn cats! I certainly heard lots of stories about them and their kittens. I think it inspired me as a child to dress up my cat in baby clothes and walk the cat around in a stroller. My cat did not like it any better than those barn cat kittens did!
When I was small, I loved the library books that were stories about cats dressed up and did “people things.”
I loved those books as well! 🙂
I love how to tied the season, family and your moms season together, then look forward. There are so many elements to autumn, so many emotions. A time of looking back, wrapping up what is left before winter where the seeds of life stratify, a kind of death to bring life.
It is surely a season of change. The falling leaves always stir something in my heart. Perhaps, it is letting go of things we cannot control. As scripture says so well, “To everything there is a season.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Very nice. New beginnings can be challenging but also good. I pray that all works out well for you and the new owners.
Thank you for your prayers! It can be hard at times to embrace change, and yet, we ‘grow through’ changes in life. New seasons teach us new things and we can share that understanding with others.
I love your poem, Linda. Every line resonated with me, like little moments of grace. I also enjoyed your family’s closeness as you worked together to get your mother’s house ready to welcome a new family.
I am glad that you liked the poem! After this pandemic and all that has been going on in the world, I feel like change is in the air. It is a good feeling. Autumn is a special time of year. There is a shift in our thinking. The holidays will soon be here, but not yet!!! This is a season to cherish, full of crisp days and walks in the fresh brisk air.
I certainly hope you’re right that a change for the better is in the air.
I do not know if I am right, but I pray that it is true! People are deeply in need of renewal. It is a good thing when many people collectively are seeking to make positive changes. Everything counts! And God is always at work on our behalf.
I swear….it was only August yesterday!
Yes! I feel the same way!
Linda – you have the most wonderful insights that come through poetry and reflections. There is a poignancy in endings and beginnings. The pause that comes as we stand at the point of change brings clarity and finality, comfort and peace. We hold the memories tightly. We celebrate what was and look forward with anticipation to what will come. Many thanks for a great conversation.
Every ending does bring about a new beginning. Change can bring infinite gifts, but we must be open to the possibilities. It is a continual process of reaching out and starting again. The past holds many precious memories, but each day dawns and the blessings flow freely…we must celebrate them!
That was such a touching poem! And it perfectly reflected this time of year, especially THIS year. It’s time to hope again… I loved the rest of your post too. Cleaning our your mother’s home must have been bittersweet. You let go of some old memories and created new ones with your family as you worked together. New beginnings are always possible with God.
In the end, a house is always just a house. We celebrate life with all the people we love and all the people we have ever loved. God is faithful in all of our life passages. He is forever guiding us and leading us along the way.
So, so many things to take away from this post and to tuck into my heart, to be brought out and pondered in the quiet hours as the winds hum amongst the pines.
I love the way you word things! It is a wondrous gift. Thank you for sharing that gift. It has lifted my spirits on many a day.
Your final picture touched me, Linda. Three beautiful hearts beating as one because each one is bound to the same hope. I had felt a touch of fear as I wrote my first comment. But when my eyes returned to that final photo in your post, hope peeked out from behind, like a little child standing on tiptoe, trying to get my attention.
And that is what God wants me to keep my eyes on.
We are so bound to our beloveds, threads all woven together. Once we have deeply loved someone, the love is always there. It is so with our dear ones who now abide in heaven. Love is the one and only thing that lives on no matter what. How blessed we are with that ‘Blessed Hope” in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is love that shapes our hearts and lives and that can never be taken from us. Thank you for your beautiful comment. I will keep that vision of a child on tiptoe…) On the hard days, these are the things we must cling to.
Your posts, especially this one, are filled with hope, faith and love. There’s never too much of that! Lovely, Linda.
Thank you! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Getting a home ready is a lot of work, Linda, but it seems that it was also a time to connect with family and memories. I love your reflections on your mom’s home and how, bright and polished, it will shelter a new family. Your September poem is lovely. I love the cooler temps, and oh, those blue skies. Hugs.
The September skies are wonderful! You are right about the family dynamics. We have had our ups and downs, but we really had to work together on this house. We had to listen to each other’s ideas and come to agreement on a great many things. Now that we have accomplished our goal, I see that we each contributed in our own unique way. Without that blend, I do not think any one of us could have achieved the same results singularly. (We would not have had the time!!!) Sending hugs back to you!
Linda, your poem has touched on all that is best in September. It sounds like you have a wonderful family. How beautiful it is that this labor of love brought you all together to work as strongly knit unit.
Families are so very special, are they not? It is love that binds hearts and families together. People might not always agree on everything, but if they agree to respect one another, almost anything can be accomplished.
Family is so very special Linda! I feel incredibly blessed to be a member of a tight knit family. My brothers both married wonderful women who I see as sisters and my kids have beautiful relationships with their cousins. As my parents are getting older and facing increased limitations with periodic health crises, it is such a comfort to know my brothers and I are able to work together to give my parents the support they need.
You are blessed! Your parents are blessed as well!!! In good times and hard times, the love of family is such a wonderful thing.
I always enjoy your heart-felt verses, Linda, and this one is no exception. I loved mention of the barn cat, as well. I empathize for what you must have experienced in all this work on your mom’s house. I know that the help of so much family must have made it a little easier. Wishing you many blessings, my friend. 🌞
Thank you! It has been a learning experience! I wish you blessings as well! There is so much joy to be found all around us day to day. There are barn cats, and owls that hoot in the deep of the night, sea turtles, that are simply amazing to watch and wonder about. All these things, God has given us to enjoy! We are blessed with friends and family to love, new places to see, exciting opportunities around every bend. God is good! He is always good! 🙂
Absolutely! 🌞
🙂 🙂 🙂
The warmth of this post is just lovely. The image of a house ready for new is very poignant and powerful, too. And that photo of the three of you!!! I would call that color sherbet and it’s very yummy:)!!!
Fall is a great time for transition. The leaves scatter to many places, and our days of transition bring us to new places as well. We must welcome the changes, even as we celebrate the days that have gone by.
The leaves give way, to the most enchanting hues, that mirror the sun above. Oooh Linda, this was a GOOD line. Beautiful poem xx
Thank you! It is a beautiful time of year! 🙂
Such a beautiful post, Linda! I love how your entire family worked together.
I think you’re right about houses, but also some houses seem happy while others do not. I think this house must hold warmth and joy within its walls, and I hope the next family feels the love. ❤️
Such a sweet photo of you three in the same color!
Oh–and September. It went by in a rush!
I do believe our homes reflect so much about us. A welcoming home is a wonderful thing. My mother was the sort of person who really celebrated the little things in life. She loved the garden in particular and flowers of every variety. A simple thing, like a bouquet of handpicked violets would bring her joy. These simple things make a house a home. When I think of my mother, I remember all of her gardens throughout her life. Her life was like a garden too, celebrating people for their uniqueness. The new owners of this house will find lily of the valley growing beside the ivy, a large turtle that lives beneath the porch, a plentitude of many trees and flowering bushes. My mother loved nature and she always brought the ‘outside’, ‘inside’. If we can do that within our hearts, as she so often did, a garden of love will bloom.
That’s lovely. My mom was not a gardener, but she did love flowers, art, and color.
If she loved those things, then she was a gardener of sorts; she found beauty in the world around her. This is the gift and legacy of those who go before us; they teach us about what is, and what is not, so important. I have looked at your family pictures; I see that your mother taught you much about life itself. She left her mark; each poem you write, each photograph you post, she is there, the one who taught you to celebrate life. What a gift! What a blessing!
Thank you, Linda. 💙
Bittersweet is the right word for the poem and the season. I just taught a lesson on writing “bittersweet” to my creative writing students. It’s life, isn’t it? I bemoan the loss of September, cheer at October’s colors but am chilled to the bone that November is not far behind. LOVE the “orange top” photo. 🙂
There is the touch of bittersweet in so many things. Perhaps, we would not appreciate the beauty of life if it all were purely sweet. It helps us to understand that even in hard times, we must perpetually look for the good. It is always there, like a summer rain shower and the sun appears once again. Those drops of rain cleanse the world, and so it seems with us as well. Teardrops and raindrops, sunshine and clouds…without is all, would we notice the delicate fabric of life or appreciate the fleeting times and seasons?
You’ve just written a prose poem! Beautiful. <3
Thank you! 🙂
Hi Linda, Thank you for reading my Autumn poem – nature does her best with the trees…I felt with you while preparing your mother’s home for new tenants, as life continues on its way. She will, doubtless, stay in your heart, as does mine. Lovely words in your poem speak of love. What would we do without it! Cheers.
We would be lost without love! Life is not always easy, but love fills in the broken places. 🙂