I came upon the bluest sky in the midst of a summer day.
A sea of calm washed over me, and waves of worry ebbed away.
My heart remembered childhood days, when puffs of clouds
were sailing ships, or fairy tale castles, piled high.
The deep blue sky was a summer friend
who called my name again and again.
I still remember when the world was oh, so big,
full of creeping caterpillars, buzzing bees, and dragonflies.
I remember when dandelions were for wishes, and
daisies were for daisy chains…
I remember looking for a four-leaf clover in a bed
of green, green grass, and never giving up…
It was all beneath the bluest sky
in the midst of a summer day.
It is here that the butterflies still dance,
and the world stands still in wonder…
Maybe, the summer sky is a forever friend
and the daisy chains are ours to keep.

Summer Days
Summer is surely upon us! In Virginia, we expect to see temperatures in the high 80s to the mid-90s this week. It is certainly time for the beach!
I never get tired of gazing out at the water on a summer day. It is as if the scene before me were a painting…white sand, deep-blue sea, puffs of clouds in an azure sky. I do not have a favorite beach. I love them all!
Perhaps, the beach is one of my favorite places because it is such a relaxing place to be. You can take your worries with you to the beach, but it is best to leave them behind. When you walk along the beach, you are immersed in nature, the sights and sounds of a world set apart.
Yesterday, I found some of my sea glass pieces that I had misplaced. Sea glass is so extraordinary. Weathered by the sand and sea, the sea glass becomes increasingly beautiful. Over time, the sharp edges are gone, and the remaining glass is exquisite.

It is kind of like that with each of us. We go through the storms of life, and we are changed. Our rough edges soften. Our view of the world often changes as we grow older, and we see things in new ways.
Sea glass is lovely. It is not the same as it once was, but polished by the shifting tides, it acquires a wondrous luster. In the end, it is polished to perfection.
In an article from ScienceABC.com, “What is Sea Glass and Where Does it Come From?”, the author, Ashish, states, “Each piece of glass is unique owing to the random and unpredictable ways it was shaped by the natural environment.” No two pieces of sea glass are the same.
No two people are the same either. We are wondrously made, (Psalm 139:14), and God has a plan for our lives. In Proverbs 16:9, we read, “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”
Therefore, as we make plans, we pray about them. We ask God for His help and guidance as we make important decisions. Psalm 37:5: “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will do it.”
God can make something beautiful out of the hard knocks of life, and the shifting tides. His love opens the door to hope and new beginnings. He alone sees the polished perfection of our lives that we cannot possibly see…
Happy almost first day of summer! (First official day of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere is June 20, 2024, which is the Summer Solstice.) On Friday, June 21st, the day after the Summer Solstice, a strawberry moon will appear…Astronomers say it will appear golden!

Sailing ships!

Sand Castles!

Sea Glass!
Beautiful message. I love collecting sea glass, too. 🙂
Thank you! I have a lot more shells than sea glass, but I am always on the lookout! 🙂
A delightful interlude. Thank you!
Thank you! I hope your summer is off to a good start! 🙂
A sunny slice of summer inspiration here in both words and pictures, Linda. I like the analogy of sea glass being shaped…as we are as well.🙂
Yes! I always think of the tides…things are always changing. And, we must adapt to those changes. I love sea glass and I have a big book on all the different types. If I find a piece at the beach, I am very excited! Sea glass becomes worn, but the patina is more beautiful with age. I think the souls of people grow more beautiful with age as well…they have been weathered by the storms, and so their appreciation of life is that much greater.
Sea glass gets better with age. And, I definitely think in my instance my appreciation of life has increased…with age.🙂
🙂 🙂 🙂
delightful poem and pics, your sentiments resonate deeply!
I’ve walked the beach all my life and yet to spot any sea glass as such … I am well acquainted with the sea weathered oyster shells that take on amazing colours as they wear thin. Now I walk the beach most days layered in gear as our winter is bitterly cold [for us, not by your standards] and watch the whales breaching as they travel north to have a holiday from the Atlantic and give birth 🙂
I am grateful that you share some of your walks with us on your videos. It is so relaxing to watch them. So much of the scenery that you present is breathtakingly beautiful. I liked the one with the waterfall very much. Of course, I also love the photographs of the animals. 🙂 It is a happy thing to see these videos of nature, and a reminder to spend as much time as possible in the great outdoors.
yes, the ‘expert’s’ are claiming that immersion in nature is the best way to heal mentally and physically … hopefully those that can’t do it physically can at least enjoy it online now 🙂
Yes! 🙂
Yes! The main thing that the past few years have taught me is that God can show us good things, even in the troubling times. That is such pain important lesson for all of us to learn. As for time spent no the beach….few things are more calming or soothing for the soul!
It is true…God is our stronghold in every circumstance. Knowing that we are never alone and that He is always with us, allows our hearts to be open and not closed. An open heart can receive God’s gracious and bountiful gifts, even in trying times. His light shines within us, and it is that light that scatters the darkness and brings us hope. Yes! The beach is good for the soul…the music of the sand and sea is like no other.
Your beautiful summer reflection is a gift to me this morning as I sit in the waiting room at the mammography center. It has been a very busy and challenging summer at work, and I long for a beach vacation – or any vacation! Thank you for giving me a taste of it. 🥰☀️
Sending you hugs! I hope you can find some relaxing summertime moments…Little breaks can mean so much. “Porch time”, may not be the same as a vacation, but it is a mini-vacation in its own way. Any change of scene from our daily routines seems to make such a difference. Whenever things in my life were really crazy, my mom used to say, “You need a few minutes to yourself, and a cup of tea.” She was a wise woman. No matter what was going on, those celebrated moments of quietude made me feel so much better.
Linda, your words offer a taste of positivity which we all need to search for and embrace. I’ve only seen the Atlantic Ocean once (at Ocean City, MD), but it would be wonderful to visit again. My wife grew up on the Eastern Shore, and we need to return again. Our sister-in-law enjoys collecting sea glass when she visits the big waters and quiet beaches as well.
I do hope you can make a visit again to the ocean! I grew up on the water because my father loved the sea. It is part of my earliest remembrances. (If we were not on my Dad’s boat, we were talking about the boat.) 🙂 I am certainly my father’s daughter! The little sea treasures are fun to bring home…reminders of that beach time when you can’t be there in person…Enjoy these summer days!!!
A beautiful day is a gift from God.
Yes! Each day is a gift…I hope you enjoy these summertime days. For me, summer always seems to go faster than the other seasons. I like to be out in the garden, and there is so much to do in the summer. The days slip by…
I love the seasons. These words remind me of the very first time I experienced “Ari Conditioned Sand” While in Cancun, you can find coolness between your toes on the white sands, no matter how intense the sun may be. It feels like a gift from God as you walk along the beach. I want to go back. God’s grip, Alan
I hope you do go back! It sounds awesome!!! In most places, the sand is so hot…unless you walk in the wet sand at the shoreline. There are so many beautiful places to visit…as you say, ‘God’s gifts to us.’
Another lovely poem to introduce your post, LInda! You brought back sweet memories of our 40 years in Florida, most of them close enough to the east or west coasts so we could enjoy the beach often–especially when our three children were young. I agree–sea glass IS lovely, a perfect metaphor for aging well (in our spirits) as God polishes us to perfection!
You are blessed to have had those Florida Beach days with your children! Every summer, I bring something home from the beach…sea glass or a pretty shell. Later, it is a special remembrance to treasure. 🙂
Such a great analogy, and a lovely reminder. Thank you!
Wishing you blessings in these summertime days! The days pass by so quickly…I have some pumpkin vines that are growing in my garden. Soon enough, Fall will be here!
Just like the sea glass, God wills that our lives be polished by the shifting tides till it acquires a wondrous luster.
How precious and true that is.
It is precious…His love and mercy overflow, day in and day out. We do not always see the gradual changes, the daily joys that shape our journey…yet, it is all there. It is as if we walk this shoreline of life, taking each step, but God holds our hand through it all. It is His love that guides our passage.
Well, I hope I’m turning out as He wishes me to be, recalcitrant sheep that I am😅
🙂 🙂 🙂
Oh, I loved those care free childhood days when the sky was filled with puffy cumulus clouds. My brother and I would lay in the yard and state what shape we saw and challenge the other to find that cloud. Fast forward a season and we’d by lying in the same location watching flocks of water fowl migrating south. There is something so inviting to the refining process when thinking about it in terms of being made like sea glass. As always, thank you for such a lovely post.
Thank you for your wonderful comment! It takes time for a piece of sea glass to be polished to perfection, but all the steps along the way mattered. Sometimes, we feel like we are being tossed about in the waves, uncertain of where we will land. But, God, who knows and loves us best, has a plan in place. We may not understand the waves or the current, but God is in control. God can still the storm. (Mark 4:39) When we find a piece of sea glass on the shore, we marvel at the beauty…the frosted glass is a work of art, one of a kind, because of its unique journey in the sand and sea.
Beautiful words and photos, Linda. The blue of the sky and the sea–special in any season, but of course, those childhood memories are extra special. We were fortunate to recently spend a few hours on the beach with a blue sky, too (on our anniversary)!
Thank you! 🙂 Happy Anniversary! I am glad you got to the beach!!! We have had some days recently where it was too hot to be on the beach…record high temps. I am doing my best to water the plants, but it seems everything dries up so fast.
You’re welcome. Yes, we’ve had extremely hot and humid days here, too.
Linda, I love your lovely and poignant poem about the wonder of childhood. I still enjoy looking a the amazing sights of clouds and their shapes, and time seemed to stretch forever then! The photos are stunning and yes, definitely a place to leave your worries behind. Enjoy relaxing there and picking the sea glass! Annika
The beach is a wonderful place to relax! It does bring back childhood memories of days gone by. My grandchildren enjoy the beach as much as we did…Some things never change and that is a good thing! 🙂