Butterfly Dance and the Winter Moon

I step inside a springtime room; the pink azaleas are in full bloom.

I wander in at summer’s gate; red roses climb a sun-lit arbor.

Across the field, orange pumpkins beckon; this autumnal world is full of wonder.

The winter room shimmers beneath the moon; the garden sleeps, in snowy grace.

Music fills the rooms, the wayward wind, and the buzzing bees; the garden understands the music.

It is a slow dance, the seasons unfolding one by one; we cannot rush the passage.

The winter moon is lovely; the dance of each and every butterfly is exquisite.

If we listen to the music, we find our way; the rooms are all open.

Even in the deepest, darkest winter, the music plays on, as if the beating wings of angels carried the song.

October Sun

I have been away from the blogging world for several weeks now. My husband and I took a cruise in late September to Bermuda. We did get a swim in that blue-green water! Summer has ended here in Virginia. The nights are cool and we need our blankets. That last bit of summer in Bermuda was wonderful! Fall is upon us now, with crisp mornings, kissed by an October sun. As the days grow cooler, we long for that sunshine, softer now, but needed ever so much.

The storms that have ripped through the gulf coast of Florida remind us that Autumn also brings hurricanes and tornadoes. We pray for those who have lost their homes and belongings in these recent storms, and for the families of those who have lost loved ones.

I have been on a few road trips since my return from Bermuda. I have been to Charlottesville, Virginia, with one of my sons, my daughter in law, and their two boys. We went to pick apples at Carter’s Mountain. On the top of the mountain, it was very windy, and quite chilly. I certainly had that feeling that winter is not so far off!

I have been to Lancaster, Virginia, a couple of times, and the landscape is surely autumnal. The trees are all changing color, and the water looks a deeper blue. On our last drive, we passed a farmhouse with a sea of sunflowers…I took at least a dozen pictures!

My daughter is expecting her third child in December. My sister and I hosted a baby shower for her this past weekend, and the theme for the party was, ‘A little cowboy is on the way’. My sister bought pumpkins for all the kids to decorate. It was so much fun to see the children painting their pumpkins. They left some behind, so now I have a little ‘painted pumpkin’ patch!

It is true enough that life is a mix of sunshine and shadows. All we can do is count our blessings, and thank God for His goodness through it all. By His grace, the shadows fall away, and we are blessed by the everlasting light of Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Wishing each of you October blessings, and I hope to catch up on a great many blogs!

“He has made everything beautiful in His time.”: Ecclesiastes 3:11

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. Thank you for sharing your Bermuda photos with us! The color of the sea is incredible. Congratulations on the impending arrival of grandchild #3!

    1. Thank you! We are looking forward to the baby’s arrival! The water is such a beautiful color…so clear, you can see to the bottom! I like that! I like to know where I am stepping! 🙂

  2. so glad you’ve been having such a wonderful family/holiday time! And I’m loving all these pics 🙂

    we are also having extreme weather here, so some sunny days between super wild ones ..

  3. Beautiful pictures. And a lovely post. I enjoyed the updates and hearing about what you have been up to. Congratulations on the new bundle of joy joining your family soon. ♥️

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