I waited for the rain to come; the clouds gathered and stirred, but still, not a drop. I waited, the sky a silver palette, deepening into a swirling, charcoal grey. I waited, as if for a ship to come into a harbor, seeing it far off, making its way. All at once it began, the
Author: Linda Raha
Baby Steps
Our little grandson is two weeks old already! We have so enjoyed this time, marveling at his tiny feet, tiny hands, and beautiful smile. It is always hard to believe just how small a newborn is, and how fast they grow! Day by day, week by week, month by month, babies grow into toddlers, and
It is as if the whole world were standing still; we are waiting for baby Henry to arrive. I do not know what color his eyes will be, or if his fingers will be short, or long. I do know this; I think I have loved him since forever, before the mention of his name.
I caught sight of the lilies, balancing my coffee cup in hand; their still, silent wonder made me catch my breath. No words for such a thing; just a knowing of what is and what is not. Perhaps, it is their lovely heads, so serene on a summer morning; they are so soft, like the
A Garden in Bloom
It has been a morning of endless chores; drifts of laundry piled up and ready for play on the merry-go-round, errant belongings all gone astray. I think of Sanibel Island and I might be there picking shells today; or maybe, I could go to that beach in California, all made up of sea glass. I
Poetry of Life
I have dearly loved the work of certain poets, and they have enriched my life, but the poetry of life itself is something altogether different. It too, has a meter and a beat, lines that are melancholy, and lines that are sweet. The poetry presents itself to us each day, a new page yet unwritten.
Blue Hydrangea
I wait each and every year for my blue hydrangea to bloom. Only then, will it be June; only then, will I know that summer is on its way. It is such a lovely thing, with deep-green velvet leaves, and the bluest flowers you have ever seen. The blossoms tug at my heart, the remembrance
Dreamer Shoes
Every now and then, I forget the importance of my dreamer shoes; I slip on that oh so practical pair in the back of the closet, the pair that might have been perfect, but never really were. They kind of make my feet hurt, but they look good. And they are very practical, sort of
A Summer House
I do not own a summer house, a magical bungalow beside the sea, and yet there is magic in my house each and every summer. Perhaps, it is that summer is a state of mind, and it invades even the nooks and crannies of our everyday life. I do know this; there is nothing so
Field of Dreams Beyond the Vale
There lies in life a field of dreams; there is such a bounty to choose from. The hills rise up in the morning light; we gather our buttercups, yellow-gold staining our fingers. Everywhere, there is clover, an incense we know is fleeting; the bees know too, and are quick to pass clover to clover, before