It is not yet spring, and yet the daffodils have started blooming in Virginia; we could still have snow, but the earth has yielded a bounty of yellow jewels, heralding spring. There was a deep frost last night. I gathered a handful of daffodils in the early evening. They are a hardy bunch, but always,
Author: Linda Raha
An Open Canvas
Sometimes, when life is other than blue skies without a cloud in sight, we forget that we have choices; even in those seemingly cheerless times, our life is still an open canvas. Days come when all we see is a blank slate, and the palette we choose next is white, black, and grey. We settle
Adventures in Living
This past December, my husband, myself, and my youngest son traveled to St. Augustine, Florida, for a wedding; the wedding was lovely; however, beyond the wedding, there were lessons to be learned. Isn't it strange, the surprise encounters we find on our life journey? Sometimes, just an ordinary experience opens our eyes, and we see
The Lantern
On our sailboat, we have a lantern that we use when we are away from the dock; it is incredible how a single light can illuminate a dark space at night. As Christians, we are called to be that light, one to another, in this world. We too, are 'lanterns', even when we feel our
Room to Grow
We all need room to grow, space where we can be ourselves, and find our way. Our lives are in a continuous flux of change from the cradle to the grave, and then beyond into eternity. It is no wonder we often suffer 'growing pains', because we must always make allowances and adjustments for something
New Year’s Resolutions and Staying Power
The temptation to set ambitious goals for ourselves at the start of a new year is remarkably appealing; when the reality sets in that most of our 'goals' require a significant degree of work and 'staying power' over time, our enthusiasm may wane. What is it about the eve of a new year with all
Christmas Blessings
"Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day." Helen Steiner Rice It is most certainly true that the spirit of Christmas must live in our hearts each and every day of the year. It is our mission as Christians to bring 'Christmas' to the whole world over, including our neighbors
Sixty Wishes
What if I were granted sixty wishes, one for every year since I was born? The sun is up; the sky is blue; my feet are free to dance. How could I ever ask for more? God hands us a paint brush, and we paint our lives away, splatters on our pants, but a new
Giving Thanks and Thoughts of Christmas
It is less than a week until Thanksgiving; we thank God for our blessings, and Christmas, soon to be. The season of light is upon us. This is the light that has come into the world so we can 'see' even in the deepest darkness. It has been a dark and dreary week in Virginia.
The Little Things Count
We often dismiss the little things in life, but oddly, it is the little things that define our days. It is all the choices we make day in and day out that tell the story of our lives. When we choose the smallest of things that make us happy, it has a ripple effect. The