My Summer Journal

It is funny the things that appear in my journal; my lilies are there in every radiant hue. My husband is there, working on the boat, his head bent low over the engine. There is my son and I walking in the woods on a summer day, basking in the coolness all those trees offer.

Thoughts of June

Sometimes, we get so busy that we forget to pause;  we forget that it is June and the lightning bugs are back. The woods are full of swarming wonder,  lights blinking everywhere at once. In bygone days, when I was little,  I sat on the stoop, waiting; I waited for those winged creatures to come

A Rickety Ladder & Seeds of Hope

Hope seems to spring anew in the most unlikely places.  Sometimes, God speaks wisdom into our souls when we least expect to hear his voice. It is as if a bolt of thunder clapped within our very hearts;  his words speak volumes in the common thread of daily life. It is our daily life that

The Autobiography of a Girl

Yesterday, or so it seems, I was seventeen, swimming in the wide open sea, scouring the beach in search of shells and sea glass. I wrote my name in the sand, and time and again the tide came in and washed away every trace;  there was just a remembrance of my footsteps. Yesterday, or so

Grace Notes & May Day Promises

May Day is notorious as a day for flowers;  traditionally, it is the day for giving surprise bouquets, and it awakens in our hearts the promise of spring.  On the first day of May we cannot help but feel the magic that is spring. The azaleas are blooming in a sea of green. Each iris