The garden sleeps beneath the winter sky. Above, the stars twinkle in a knowing way. Do they know what the garden dreams in the deep of the night? Does the garden dream in shades of blue, the remembrance of the summer sky, the slate-blue haze of wintry days? At night, the sky is a sea
Tag: Garden
Garden of Dreams
Spring comes slowly. It spills across the lawn, silky green blades, that seem eternal, but are not. It is lush and lovely like an emerald isle that is mine to wander. My bare feet can wade in the grass, feel the blush of youth between my toes. Last night, I listened to the owls calling
Planting Marigolds with Emily
The seasons of life come and go, but there are moments when everything comes full circle. This past week, my little granddaughters and their parents spent the week at our house. One morning, I took my youngest granddaughter over to my mother's house to plant marigolds. My mother passed away in January, and here it
My Garden in April
The garden beckons like an old friend who knows me well. This friend does not mind my muddy shoes, my hair in tangles, or my mismatched garden gloves. I can drop in whenever I like; the door is always open. The rooms are flooded with sunlight, and I can rest upon a bench. This place
I love my garden; I love my blue sky for a roof. I love the decor of my garden room; the colors blend in a lovely way, deep red tomatoes, bright yellow sunflowers, and pale green cucumbers. The trellis is so magical, weaving vines, like a tapestry upon a wall; I am at home here.
A Walk in the Garden at Dawn
The wind stirs; flowers dance; a parade of colors unfolds. It is the same with life itself; a newborn cries, no matter the color; it is love at first sight. We walk in the garden as children, by day or by night; moonbeams cast their glow; sunbeams light our path. Deep in the garden we
September Garden
The marigolds are all that are left in the garden; the weeds are there too, the ones I let grow in profusion. It is an untidy mess of vines, and green, growing things; still, there is a harmony of sorts, all that lush greenery, a miniature jungle just for me. The marigolds are magnificent; they
A Garden in Bloom
It has been a morning of endless chores; drifts of laundry piled up and ready for play on the merry-go-round, errant belongings all gone astray. I think of Sanibel Island and I might be there picking shells today; or maybe, I could go to that beach in California, all made up of sea glass. I