There were windows in the clouds today.
Bright blue portals opened up
so you could see clear through to the other side.
Below, on the sound, the swans paraded about
like lovely dancers, drifting across an aqua stage.
It was a summer day in the midst of winter.
I would like to glide like that, upon a silent sea.
How splendid to drift as if a cloud, floating so carefree!
The dunes, they rise so high, mountains of sand, standing guard.
They cannot stop the water when the sea gushes recklessly.
The sea always wins, and the guards must bow.
So, it seems in life, through storms and strife,
a window opens up, as if a portal to heaven.
And just like that…we are free.
There is the rush of sand and sea,
but it is God Himself, who stands guard at the water’s edge.
Blessings flow, like a summer day in the midst of winter,
swans set free to dance in the endless light of eternity.

We spent the New Year’s holiday in Hatteras, North Carolina, with my sister and her family. Hatteras is a place where the sea yawns and the sand dunes spill across the only highway leading in, and off, the island. Such is life upon a barrier island. It is both precarious and beautiful at the same time. On one side of Highway 12 is the ocean. On the other side is the sound. On either side, there are sand dunes, and that is all. It is a continuous process of removing the sand from the road, and building the dunes back up, over and over again.
Life sometimes feels like that; we finish one project, and sure enough, another project awaits us. The sea of life is always brewing a fresh ‘pot of tea’ to keep us busy. And yet, it this mysterious brew that keeps us going, keeps us engaged in the world around us.
The important thing is to savor the ‘brew’ of the day. It may seem commonplace, or it may be extraordinary. It may be that a storm has blown in and our cup of freshly brewed hot tea is ice cold. Whatever the circumstances, we should honor the moment and celebrate as best we can, the tea that is set before us. Even in the most difficult of times, there are blessings that rise to our awareness. In fact, there are things we could never really appreciate without some degree of hardship. It is as if the blessings flow in a river that is quite turbulent and endlessly unpredictable.
When we honor the moment, the gifts of the hour become resplendent with possibility. The longer I live, the more I understand that gratitude is the key to a life well-lived.
Life is mysterious and precious, full of wonderment. When we open our hearts and minds to the portal of God’s divine love, we find a summer day in the midst of winter. The bright spark of God’s love never leaves us. It is always enough to keep us going day by day.
Winter can be harsh, but even in the most brutal storms, there is beauty to be found. There is hope to be found in the deepest darkest nights, and in the loneliest of places. We cling to the spark of love that God ignites within our souls; it is an endless summer of Holy light.
A New Year is upon us! We may not feel as graceful as swans or ballet dancers, but we do get the chance to dance and to sing, and to savor the blessings of this life!
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2023!
(I am dedicating this post in honor of my mother. Today marks the one- year anniversary of her passage from this life at the age of eighty-seven, to her Heavenly Home with God. It is never easy losing our beloveds, but it is a comfort to know that they are in paradise with our Heavenly Father. (Luke 23:42-43) My niece, Anna, one of my sister’s daughters, asked my mother in her last days here, what she would most like to be doing. My mother told her that she would like to swim in the ocean and feel the warm sun upon her face. The ocean has a magic all its own, and my mother truly loved the sea. She helped inspire that love in me from the time I was a little child. Our mothers teach us so many things about life and love. I am so grateful for the mother who raised me. I think back to all those wonderful beach days, building sandcastles with turrets made of shells, long walks searching for the perfect piece of beach glass, and splashing in the waves. My mother is safe now in the Heavenly places, in the brightly-lit rooms of God’s Holy Mansions.)
John 14:2: “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”

Linda, Happy New Year and warm wishes to you and your family. My mom left this world too in March of 2020 and even though I wasn’t real close to her, I do miss her. Losing loved ones is a difficult fate that we all have to go through but I know that it doesn’t make it any easier. Prayers for you during this transition. And I really enjoyed your poem. It is lovely and very insightful.
Thank you for your prayers! I do appreciate it. My father always said that there was ‘weight’ in prayers, and that he could feel people praying for him. What a beautiful thing to think about! I am also sorry to hear about your mom. Before she passed, my mother had lost so many friends with the start of Covid 19.
Yes Covid has been a curse for many people. My sisters boyfriend had gotten it in 2021 which in turn gave it to me and my dad because we all live in the same house. We all got really sick and unfortunately my sisters boyfriend passed away because of it. My dad and I were very lucky because it was rough and took a few months to get over the virus. And I’m glad that my sister didn’t get sick because she has many other health related problems. As for what your dad says about prayer, that’s great. I don’t feel people praying for me but I know that God will always do whats best for me.
I am so very sorry to hear about your sister’s boyfriend! I have had Covid twice and the first time my mom was staying with me. While I was sick, my mom and my husband were also sick. It was a very difficult time. I thank God we did get through it. Although there are so many things in life that we cannot understand, God is always there with us.
A beautiful interlude, Linda. Thank you.
Wishing you New Year’s blessings!!! It is time for me to pack up all the Christmas decorations after tomorrow. I try to celebrate the twelve days of Christmas, but here it is, almost over already!
This is a beautiful post, Linda. Happy New Year.
Thank you! Happy New Year! I hope that 2023 is off to a good start for you!!!
I greatly enjoyed your beautiful poem, Linda. Your memories of your mother’s love of the sea reminded me of special days with my mother at Cape Elizabeth, Maine. I miss her every day.
I know how you feel. My mother and I were very close. She was close to all of her children. These bonds are so strong between a mother and her child. Like you, I think of my mom every day. π It is wonderful to have these happy memories, days gone by, but not forgotten.
Ten years before she died, my mother moved from northern Maine, 7 hours away to a community less than half an hour away from me. I am so grateful that she did.
That was a wonderful thing! You had those ten years with her close by. Distance does make everything that much harder.
Beautiful Linda, you brought me there. I saw the sun today. So refreshing. Very little sun this winter. Loved the title.
Thank you! I am glad you saw the sun today. Yesterday, we had a lot of rain and fog. In the evening, the sun peaked out for a bit. The sky got all rosy and the clouds turned pink. It was incredible!
That was just beautiful, Linda! A timely reminder to live in the moment and appreciate God’s gifts…. I’m sorry for the loss of your mother, too. The anniversary of the death of a loved one is always a hard date, even when we know they’re in a better place. Wishing you much peace and many blessings in the new year!
Thank you! It is hard to believe that a whole year has actually passed! The seasons come and go quickly. I wish you peace and blessings in the New Year also! π
Thank you for sharing your blessings and reflections, Linda. Gratitude, the light of His love, and His promises for eternity are gifts beyond measure.
We are blessed beyond measure! π
I almost cannot believe one year has passed. I still remember the posts you wrote about bringing your mother to be with you as eternal shores edged closer. How blessed she was to have been cared for so patiently and faithfully. It couldn’t have been easy for you, beautiful as that time was. Sometimes, age has a way of getting between us and the things we wish to do. But God saw everything, from His place at the water’s edge, and He knew when it was time to put forth His hand and call…
Thank you so much for this post. It speaks and speaks to me. On the 29th of December, I had asked God to let me hear Him better, for the din of the world was getting louder. That prayer is being answered now. Coming here today, but it is God Himself, who stands guard at the waterβs edge pierced me. I don’t know as yet what it means for me but I know it means something.
Once more, thank you. You have your ear against God’s Heart.
It is good that God is always so very patient with us. We question so many things, and He is always there to answer. Listening is the hardest part because we so much like to make up our own answers. I always like to solve things very quickly, and that has caused me some heartache in my life. Many times, the answers to life’s questions take a great deal of time. It is not like a jigsaw puzzle, and everything has a cozy spot. When I stop myself from going too fast and trying so hard to figure everything out, I remember that God is waiting there patiently for me. He is there at the water’s edge, ever faithful, ever watchful. Only then, do I find peace. He takes hold of my hand and we walk together. The shoreline has many twists and turns, but we do not have to know everything ahead of time. We simply need to have faith and trust God with our very hearts.
Rest in peace to your wonderful mother, Linda.
You are so right about gratitude. I find that lately, too.
And may I say how I love your poetic images and language. The image of the window opening in the clouds has really captured my attention. That will be on my mind for awhile.
I can honestly say that on our first day in Hatteras, there were ‘windows’ in the clouds. Sometimes, in winter, the sky is such a glorious blue. It is the kind of blue that makes you think that anything is possible. I love that! I looked out at the ocean and up into the sky for a long time. All I could think was how incredibly blessed we are in this life. Yes, there are the thunder clouds and stormy seas…But still, there is the magic that God has placed within His universe. I know that He wants us to dream and ponder this beautiful mystery that is life itself. Luanne, we must always be looking in through those windows in the clouds. We must always wonder about what is on the other side.
I so agree with you, and I am blessed with blue skies so much of the year here. And sometimes it does seem a blue that just “couldn’t” be real, but it is. Part of my love of poetry is that it’s a way to ponder the beautiful mysteries of life. It’s why I love poetry. Poetry really is a way–albeit a bit “strange” way–of praying.
You are blessed to live in such a beautiful place!!! I hope to someday see your corner of the world. I like to travel and see new places. Poetry does ponder the mysteries of life! It is like music, except there are only the words. You have to imagine the music, which is an art in itself…and an art worth cultivating!
And the words can create the music, too!
I hope you come visit when you’re here!
I would love that! π
Love poem, Linda. Wishing you a happy new year x
Happy New Year! I look forward to reading your posts from ‘across the pond’! I learn so much from you. Your recent post on places to stay in Somerset was quite captivating!
Linda, your poem captures the beauty of the coastline. We are blessed to know that God is always there, offering us eternal protection filled with His grace. Blessings to you and your family in the coming year.
The ocean is beautiful in every season! π Even in winter, those pounding waves upon the sand are mesmerizing. I have lived near the water for most of my life. Like the mountains, the ocean reminds us of God’s incredible work in creation. When I look at the sea, I remember how vast the hand of God stretches, and yet, He cares so deeply for each one of us…and our every footprint matters to Him. Wishing you and your family blessings in the New Year, 2032!
Linda, I always glean so much from your reflections. βThe sea of life is always brewing a fresh βpot of teaβ to keep us busy. And yet, it this mysterious brew that keeps us going, keeps us engaged in the world around us. The important thing is to savor the βbrewβ of the day. It may seem commonplace, or it may be extraordinary.β I do not savor well. Iβm always looking on to the next βprojectβ on my list that needs to be completed. As Iβm venturing into another year and the new norm of a house of teenage children, Iβm realizing my time with the kids is growing shorter and I need to build more margin into the brew of the day to savor them.
PS you have a treasury of pictures with your mom. I hate having my picture taken which I of course inherited from my mom LOL. So, each year on our beach trip I try have someone take a picture of the two of us together. Of course we’re both blustering about hating to be in front of the camera, but I know I will treasure them the day she’s no longer by my side.
The seasons of motherhood are forever changing, and each season has its gifts. Sometimes, as I reflect on the adventure of raising four children, (with the help of my husband, of course!), I see that life was always ‘onto something new’. No sooner did one season end, but another began. And, that is okay!!! Somehow, with God’s grace, a mother’s heart expands to fill the next calling. If possible, it is best to ‘seize the day’, as it is with most things in life. It is like running with a colorful kite along the shoreline…the wind changes, but the kite is still flying high. π
A beautiful poem, Linda, and a lovely tribute to her mom. Hold all the seasons of memories in your heart. Hugs.
Thank you! I do cherish the memories and that is a great comfort. Every day, we get to make new memories and that is important as well. If I learned anything from my mother, it was to enjoy the day at hand and not take anything for granted. Each and every day is a gift.
Happy New Year, Linda! This is a beautiful reflection about life and creation, and a sweet and precious tribute to your mother. Wow, it’s already been a year? I wonder if you feel that it has slipped by quickly. I love your images and description of the sea and sand, the childhood memories, and the everyday wisdom that comes through adversity. May this new year bring you new joys and deep peace.
This year has gone by so fast! We had much to do in selling my mother’s home and finishing up things that had to be done before the sale. I miss my mother, but I know she is at peace in heaven. I do have wonderful childhood memories and I thank God for that. I love the ocean, the salty sea air, and I never get tired of a walk beside the sea. Now that we have grandchildren, it is a joy to see them playing in the sand, and hunting for ‘treasure’. My little grandson, Henry, is only three years old. He kept hiding his treasures again for someone else to find!!! I hope this New Year brings you joy and peace as well! Hugs to you, Elisa!
Beautiful. Just beautiful. Blessings for 2023. God’s grip – Alan
Thank you! I wish blessings in this New Year also!!! π
what a loving tribute to Mother, life and living in each moment! This is so well written, kudos
So sorry I missed this Linda, seems although I follow you not every post comes into my reader π
To have such a loving kind mother is really more rare than you can ever know, what an incredible blessing indeed. So glad you had a seaside holiday with your sister π
My mother was an only child, and she always wanted a sister or brother. She had four children of her own, and I believe she would have liked more!!! I do know that I am fortunate to have had a kind mom, and I know that this is not always the case. Because of her love and kindness, she is deeply missed. In the end, our legacy is really all about the love we gave away while we were here. In addition to my mom’s love for family, she also loved animals and every little creature. I will never forget how she took care of all the little wild cats in the woods who had lost their mother! She got her legs scratched up, but she brought them milk until they were okay.
oh what a very special lady Linda! I feel joy in my heart just hearing about her kindness π
Such a beautiful poem–and place, too. I like your description of both precarious and beautiful–as life often is.
And how lovely in body and mind your mother was. My mother was not a swimmer, but she also loved going to the beach. She spent many summers in Atlantic City and Wildwood.
Thank you! There is nothing quite like a beach town! I am glad that our mothers enjoyed life and had some fun in the summertime. Like those grains of sand, time slips through our fingers. Summer days go by quickly enough…beside the sea is a wonderful place to be. π
You’re welcome, and it is! π
Such an amazing image and this poem was so fascinating. Thanks Anita
Thank you! It is a very beautiful place! π
A lovely tribute, Linda, both your poem and reflection. I wholeheartedly agree – gratitude is the key to a rich life. Thank you for always putting more beauty out into the world. π
Thank you for your very kind comment! Gratitude does seem to turn things around. There are always so many things to be thankful for. When our hearts are open, we find little blessings tucked into our days, little reasons to celebrate life as it is happening.
Beautifully expressed, Linda. π
Thank you for your beautiful poem, Linda. It brought peace to my heart … like a morning prayer. May the wonderful memories of your mom keep her alive in your heart. And may this year bring you many blessings!
Thank you for your kind comment! Peace is God’s gift to us. I wish you blessings also!!!