November Snow

The green leaves of summer are gone; all that greenery, simply vanished overnight. Or is it that just the way it seems, when November dawns and a new chapter begins? We mark the pages with autumnal gold and write all sorts of notes in the margins. There are so many things we want to remember

Our Daily Work

God has blessed us with our daily work, which changes throughout our lives; it is not only our professional work, but the work of our hands and hearts in countless ways. It is said that the work of a child is play, because that is how they learn about the world. Perhaps, in adulthood, we

A Walk in the Garden at Dawn

The wind stirs; flowers dance; a parade of colors unfolds. It is the same with life itself; a newborn cries, no matter the color; it is love at first sight. We walk in the garden as children, by day or by night; moonbeams cast their glow; sunbeams light our path. Deep in the garden we


There is nothing quite like a detour in life to help us find our way. Many times, we think that there is only one road we should travel on to get us where we need to go. But then, we find ourselves on a country lane, with the most beautiful scenery. We discover things we

One Day at a Time

It is easy enough to become overwhelmed in life, unless we follow a simple rule; we have to take it one day at a time. If we worry too far ahead about a situation, we defeat ourselves. Worry never really fixes anything, and it robs us of the joy each day holds. Somehow, if we

The Little Things Count

We often dismiss the little things in life, but oddly, it is the little things that define our days. It is all the choices we make day in and day out that tell the story of our lives. When we choose the smallest of things that make us happy, it has a ripple effect. The

Changing Seasons

Once again, the seasons are changing;  these autumnal days remind us that we are changing too, each and every day. The trees are about to put on their biggest pageant of the year, changing from summer's garb to fall's most exquisite wardrobe. There will be luminous gold leaves to don the trees, magnificent burgundies, the