A Garden Party

I awake again to a cloudy day.

The soggy earth is flooded with puddles

pewter bowls set out for company!

It is a fresh-washed day

full of silver linings, like the silvery dawn.

It is as if a pleasant fog drifted upon the sea

all the clouds gathered together, friends

from faraway places, setting out for an

outdoor party…

So much chatter, all those raindrops

spilling splendiferously…filling cups of

heavenly tea, brewed to perfection.

The daffodils are blooming in places

I did not plant them, tucked away

in nooks and crannies…like a fairy garden

for all the world to see.

There are flowers for the tablescape,

and tree stumps to sit upon.

It is a grand and glorious garden party

of clinking tea cups and musical chairs…

no one knows quite where to sit!

The rain-streaked day gives way to sun,

a burst of light breaking forth.

The party has ended; soon, very soon,

the party folk will gather yet again.

The raindrops will be drumming on the roof-

top, begging to be heard.

If you stay very still, you will hear the song;

Spring is coming, Spring is coming,

Spring is almost here!

Love Notes

We have had our share of rainy days. The ground is soggy! One thing is for certain…the birds sing from morning til night! I do believe they know that spring is edging closer and closer.

I have begun spring cleaning in spurts of activity. There is always more to do, but starting is the hardest part.

I have read a number of books on decluttering. At the end of the day, spring cleaning has more to do with our thoughts than our houses. If we declutter the negatives and replace them with positives, every single thing we do gets easier. We know this instinctively, but it is so easy to get weighed down with those ‘life boxes’ we carry around…all the what ifs, all the maybes, all the boxes that shift from time to time and are hard to carry by ourselves.

And then, there are the daffodils that bloom randomly in a field or a corner of the yard, all the moments of serendipity that just happen. Life is full of tiny miracles, little love notes from God tucked into our days, moments that change everything. It often catches us unaware because we are focused on something else.

In the end, it is these little love notes that make life worth living. In the midst of all the busy, crazy things that happen, there are these random ‘daffodils’, that just show up when we need them most.

You might say these moments are purely random and happen by chance. I don’t believe that. I know that God intervenes for us, sets angels on our path, and surprises us with happy things when we are very sad.

Spring is coming sure enough, and I will probably get a lot of my spring projects done. But, as the soggy days turn into sunshiny days, I must keep my heart open to those love notes.

In the spring breeze, the love notes flutter…this is the breeze that flutters within our souls. It has music and it sings like the birds who are so faithful to their song.

A grateful heart understands the language of love, and can find a love letter almost anywhere…especially when the breeze picks up and you know spring has officially arrived, now, and forevermore.

1 Thessalonians 5:16: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. It’s amazing how these pop up, just like clockwork. God is always on time. Happy 🌼

    1. Yes! God is good. He is always good! You are so right…His timing is absolutely perfect. πŸ™‚

  2. exquisite poem and notes … I meet one of those wondrous daffodils last night at the check counter in a random supermarket. I’m on the road travelling again and just felt like an ice cream … the staff member I asked said no singular ice creams, just the boxes of 4-6. This elderly lady instantly wanted to buy me a box, I explained I have no refrigeration and eating multiple was not possible.

    She went off and, randomly, choose my favourites … gave me one and said her hubby would be grateful for the others. We chatted in the car park as the ice creams melted … what a treasure!

    1. You certainly were blessed with this encounter! What a wonderful story! I wish you blessings on your travels!!!

      1. such a sweet lady, ten kids + 20 grandkids, 3 birthdays this week … with that many there must be a party most weeks πŸ™‚

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  3. Your poem, photos and thoughts about looking for God’s love notes has me anticipating the beauty of spring. Although we aren’t anywhere near having spring blooms pop up yet, it’s getting closer everyday. Even with another snowfall yesterday, I’m seeing little love notes of beauty here and there. Although pretty, I’m hoping it’s the last of our snow and soon I’ll see some crocuses popping through the ground πŸ’œ

    1. There is nothing quite like a crocus! I only have a couple of them, but they bring so much joy. The feeling of spring is in the air…I know we must be patient! πŸ™‚

  4. Wow Linda, Your great poem is making me think spring, even though it was below zero this morning.

    1. Just thinking about Spring is a happy thing!!! We have a ways to go, but the season will soon be upon us. I look forward to your photographs capturing those early springtime moments.

  5. If you stay very still, you will hear the song;
    Spring is coming, Spring is coming,
    Spring is almost here…

    Love, love, love those 3 lines especially. May the hope of this new season almost upon us live and thrive in every heart, especially those for whom the rains are unending.

    1. Yes!!! May it be as you have said…’a song that plays for every heart, especially those for whom the rain is unending.)

  6. I love garden parties!!! Spring is in the air and I eagerly await the coming of daffodils. And speaking of parties, just before Christmas we had a huge decluttering event. It is the beginning of going through all of our β€œstuff” and creating archives of photos etc. As my sister, Sarah, says – decluttering in a life-long project.

    1. Yes! Decluttering is a lifelong project. It is fun to go down memory lane…My mother saved absolutely everything and I still have her photo albums, cards, etc. to go through. I am making progress… plenty of my own stuff! We have been saving items for our four children, and now for their children. (We have begun passing some of those items along…) πŸ™‚

  7. Lovely thoughts! Things around here remain frozen, but they will inevitably thaw, and I can’t wait. Thanks for the preview.

    1. Spring is coming! We will still have some cold weather here as well. (It is a great time to look at those gardening catalogues…)

  8. Spilling splendiferously! And love notes. A perfect interlude, Linda.

    1. Thank you! Wishing you a wonderful weekend! πŸ™‚

  9. What a blessing when we slow down enough to catch and cling to God’s love notes!!

    1. Yes! We are so very blessed! In the midst of our busy days, God is there, the author of love, gifting us with one note after another.

  10. I enjoyed your garden party. Thank you for inviting me!

    1. You are welcome, and you are a most wonderful guest!

  11. I love the idea of the flowers and rain in a garden party. I love daffodils, and how they and other spring flowers do spread and pop up. Some of ours are starting to send up shoots, but no blooms yet, except for a few crocuses.

    1. Slowly but surely, all the flowers will be blooming! We have a very cold day today, and last night we had the fireplace going. It is that time of year when we are in the flux of change. I hope you have a great weekend!

      1. Thank you, and you as well, Linda!

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  12. I love this. Thank you for the nudge to look around for the little love notes. 🀍

    1. Yes, we all need those little nudges…we get so busy with so many things! πŸ™‚

  13. I agree! Those little surprises are what reminds of both of God’s love and that life really is good. Lovely poem, Linda!

    1. Thank you! I do believe that God loves to surprise us…We are so blessed!

  14. Oh, spring is definitely popping up and blooming in your neck of the woods, Linda. A beautiful poem and reflection on spring and all the anticipation. It’s such an exciting time of year. Enjoy.

    1. It is an exciting time of the year…little by little, spring is on its way! I hope you enjoy this time also…it is a mix of the seasons, but that has its own charm. For one thing, it gives us a chance to use lots of items in our wardrobes. (We can use a little bit of everything…) πŸ™‚

      1. Hahaha. Yes, I layer up and down all day long. πŸ™‚ Happy Spring.

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ (I certainly am not putting my sweaters away yet…)

  15. I love your take on puddles–pewter bowls set out for company! You made me smile with the change in perspective. / I love daffodils too! Another month or so and we should see them bloom around here. Our neighbors have a line of them by their fence, which come up first since they get a lot of sun. Just as those are waning, our patch begins to bloom. It’s wonderful to enjoy a double-long daffodil season out our kitchen windows!

    1. The view from your kitchen window in spring sounds wonderful! When I thought about those pewter bowls, I thought of the birds in my yard. I do love to watch them, all the seasons of the year. Somehow in winter, the presence of the birds is all the more special. It can look pretty dismal, but they brighten up everything! πŸ™‚

      1. Agreed–especially the cardinals. One red spot among all the gray-brown branches does provide a special delight!

        1. Yes! That spot of red is awesome! πŸ™‚

  16. Linda, such light, warmth and love of light in your beautiful poem and profound reflections. In a world filled with negativity it is a bright spark to read your post here and touched by your words: ‘ Life is full of tiny miracles, little love notes from God tucked into our days, moments that change everything. It often catches us unaware because we are focused on something else.’ Here is to tiny miracles – and being open to them! Annika

    1. Thank you Annika, for your kind comment! Yes, we must focus on the little miracles that surround us day to day. Spring is a special time of the year when God renews the earth after a long winter. It is a good time for us to find renewal as well. πŸ™‚

  17. Getting started with spring cleaning is truly the hardest part Linda. Found an unexpected love note in my flower bed today. Our first crocus opened and it was yellow. My crocuses are all dark purple not yellow. The Lord must have used a squirrel as a mail carrier to carry the bulb and plant it last last fall.

    1. Oh, it is wonderful that you found a yellow crocus! I only have purple ones as well, so yellow would be a big surprise! I wish you many more love notes as spring draws closer…

  18. Such a beautiful post in every way, Linda. It made me smile!

    1. Thank You! It is almost the weekend, and we are into March tomorrow. Spring is surely on the way…

  19. I enjoyed your photos & verse, Linda. Particularly β€œspilling splendiferously!” Happy Spring! β˜€οΈ

    1. Happy Spring! I do love the change of seasons…each one has its own beauty. I love to see all the greenery in the springtime…each day everything is just a little bit different.

  20. I just loved this! We’re seeing the daffodils beginning to bloom here too, although it’s earlier than usual. But I agree: the love notes are there if we’re just willing to see them!

    1. The love notes are everywhere! πŸ™‚ We are having an earlier spring and it is beautiful!

  21. Thanks this amazing flower. Anita

    1. It is an amazing flower! πŸ™‚

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