The holidays will soon be upon us; it is that time of year to start thinking about gift-giving. Sometimes, we think long and hard when choosing a gift for our beloveds. Many times, the perfect gift is the gift of ourselves and our time. The time we spend with our friends and family is precious.
Author: Linda Raha
Stairway of Life
It isn't always easy on the stairway of life; sometimes, the climb seems nearly impossible. You do your best to hold onto the railing, and just keep going. One measured step after another, and you make your way. Every step tells a story; every step has a divine plan. Each time you land, you are
An Open Door
There lies within us a cathedral; we can choose to close the doors, or allow them to open wide. The chambers within are vast, full of light, flooded by stain-glass windows where the sun shines through. There are dusty corridors as well, places where the cobwebs have not been swept away. Within the cathedral music
September Garden
The marigolds are all that are left in the garden; the weeds are there too, the ones I let grow in profusion. It is an untidy mess of vines, and green, growing things; still, there is a harmony of sorts, all that lush greenery, a miniature jungle just for me. The marigolds are magnificent; they
The Landscape of our Lives
It seems that the landscape of our lives is always changing; we open the window to a new day, and the view is altogether different from the day before. Each and every day brings new challenges, and of course, we never know what these challenges may be ahead of time. We do know, that no
Things Take Time
I learned an important lesson last weekend, and I learned it from a child about to turn six years old; things take time, and you have to be patient and wait. I have probably learned this lesson a hundred times over. Obviously, I needed a refresher course! It is hard to wait for things we
The Quilter
On the day we are born, we are given a beautiful quilt, which is our very body. It is a quilt God works on from conception, piecing together our very person. In fact, scripture tells us that He knew us even before conception. "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you
Hatteras Bound
There is a place where the sea and sky meet in a tender embrace; unless of course, there is a storm, and then, there is a terrible fight. But oh, on a clear blue day, the dolphins play, and the sea birds frolic about. The waves sound like thunder, a turmultuous roar when they crash
Old Photographs
What is it that captures our hearts so well, as a photograph of days gone by? It is as if we find ourselves on a tree lined street in autumn; the wind blows, and leaves of every color scatter around us. There is the golden slant of the sun, and our own ruminating thoughts; how
I watched the birds this morning out on our back deck; like us, they are endlessly busy, darting here and there, not satisfied with one particular perch. As they move from spot to spot, they find a new vantage point. The world does look different from a tree-top, or the tip of my patio table