Sunflower Happy

This past weekend, my husband and I went with some of our children and grandchildren, to the ‘pumpkin patch’; it was a glorious day, blue skies, and sunny. At this nearby farm, there is more to be had than pumpkins. They also have a field that is filled this time of year with a sea of sunflowers.

You cannot help but feel happy looking at all these sunflowers! We cut several bunches to bring home, a reminder of this lovely fall outing.

When you gaze at a sunflower, it is awe-inspiring: a single head can contain 2000 seeds! Perhaps, that is one of the reasons they are so fascinating. I look at these seeds, and I think of all these possibilities.

When we look at our own lives this way, we are inspired also; believing that the seeds of our own dreams will sprout is powerful stuff! We must continuously nurture the seeds of hope planted within our hearts. On our own, this would be impossible. But as scripture reminds us in Matthew 19:26: “With God, all things are possible.”

Hope is a wonderful thing. Despite our setbacks, despite our heartaches, despite everything that may be going wrong in our lives, hope is the answer to our prayers. With hope, we can move forward; with hope, we can turn our lives around.

So today, wherever you are, or whatever you may be doing, take a moment for reflection. Picture a field of sunflowers, each sunflower looking up to the sky in search of the sun. They are seeking the light. And that is why we love these extraordinary blooms…they are exquisite, and they remind us of the quest to keep going, to keep trying, no matter what.

We too, must seek the light. We too, must turn to God, knowing that only in the light of his eternal presence, will we ever find our way. Who knows what wonderful things will happen with those seeds of hope in our hearts, and the dreams they may impart?

May the dream begin, and may we practice the art of being sunflower happy. God has given us the seeds; with prayer, may our lives be like that sunflower field, growing ever more beautiful with each passing day.

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. This is such a cheerful post:) what a beautiful metaphor, I do think baby Henry is making us all extra happy!

    1. Yes, you are right! The little ones do bring so much joy to our days! They help us to celebrate life and to live in the moment. πŸ™‚

  2. you have perfectly captured the reason my profile is the first sunflower I grew Linda … sunshine and love are vital to all πŸ™‚

    1. A sunflower is perfect for your profile; your posts are so uplifting. Yes, love is the thing that makes life worth living.

      1. so true, thanks for your kindness πŸ™‚

        1. :):):)

  3. Hi Linda. It was good to read you again. One of the miracles of sunflowers, and other seed-bearing plants, is how the winds blowing their seeds to other plots of ground. You have done just that today. God’s grip. – Alan

    1. Thank you for sharing that wonderful thought! The Holy Wind of God’s Spirit does blow and we never know where the seeds may scatter. We only know that He is there in the midst of it all. πŸ™‚

  4. I promise to take a moment for reflection and muse on a field of sunflowers. It won’t be difficult to do because I do like them so! Thanks for the idea

    1. Sunflowers are amazing! There are so many flowers, and yet sunflowers seem to be a favorite for many. πŸ™‚

  5. Linda, what a beautiful and inspiring post, as always! There is a farm nearby with a field of sunflowers I pass when I go to visit my parents. It is breathtaking! A sea of yellow. Thank you for sharing about your day of precious family time and for sharing this photo of the sunflowers. I love how you weave in scriptures and faith lessons through every day life. Love this: “May the dream begin, and may we practice the art of being sunflower happy. God has given us the seeds; with prayer, may our lives be like that sunflower field, growing ever more beautiful with each passing day.” Truly He has blessed us over and over again. May we be “sunflower happy!”

    1. Thank you Melissa! God so wants us to experience the wonder and beauty of each passing day. A sunflower is a small sign of His great love. He likes to surprise us with wonderful things all the time.

  6. The floral arrangement is beautiful. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers.

    1. Thank you! Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers also. πŸ™‚

  7. Linda,
    I missed this post when it first came out – but for good reason. When I did catch it, it was just after seeing this verse,

    Those who go forth weeping,
    carrying sacks of seed,
    Will return with cries of joy,
    carrying their bundled sheaves.
    ~ Psalm 126:6

    Somehow, reading about your day, and how it ended with those flowers on your table, I sensed the angels bring the Psalm 126:6 back to me.

    1. How beautiful Caitlynne! The angels are ever near to us, and the words of scripture bring us comfort day in and day out. How blessed we are to be children of the Heavenly Father; in our every breath and every life passage, He is there with us.

  8. What a beautiful and inspirational post!

    1. Thank you! πŸ™‚

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