A Safe Place to Land

Our front porch is a great place for birds to hang out, but when I open the door, and they fly inside, we have a problem! Just like you or I, when we find ourselves in a place we don't want to be, the birds have a dilemma; suddenly, they feel trapped, and there seems

Something Different

We all have our favorite things that we greatly enjoy; sometimes though, it is fun to embrace something different, something totally new. The truth is, you never know unless you try the unexpected. Change can be exhilarating! I often order the same exact thing when I eat out at a restaurant. I love crab cakes.

Asheville Moments

We climb our mountains one day at a time; still, the clock so steady, meters out the moments. I watch the sheep in the valley; they leap, they eat, and as darkness settles, they sleep. Soundlessly, I listen; I listen as one who seeks to know the mystery of the mountains. I know that mountains

Easter Morning

I cannot remember a more beautiful spring; the earth has awoke from the deep sleep of winter. Outside my window, my crabapple tree is a showy spectacle; there is all that spring snow, pure white blossoms, drifting to the ground. There is the dance of the birds from tree to tree; they are not sure

Changing Times

It is said that there is nothing so constant as change; why then, is change so difficult for us? Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, spoke these very words so many years ago: "Change is the only constant in life." You would think that we would just naturally accept it over time; yet, each new life passage

Pennies From Heaven

My daughter painted a picture many years ago and we named her art work, 'Pennies from Heaven'; to this day, the painting inspires me. For one thing, it has my favorite colors...lots of blues and greens. There are some actual pennies glued on near the bottom of the picture. At the top of the painting

Time Enough

We often feel that time is slipping through our fingers. We wonder: is there time enough to do all the things we want to do in life? As I write this, it late in the afternoon. The quiet of the day has come. The sun is brilliant at this moment and absolutely lovely, but, very

The Dance

It seems in life that we take three steps forward, and three steps back; sometimes, we wonder if we are making any progress at all! All those steps add up and help us find our way. What matters most, is that we keep taking the next step, even if we feel a little unsteady. Every