Summer is Coming

Pockets of joy overflow, in the coming of sun-kissed summer days. There will be peppers to stuff, and fresh tomato sandwiches to eat. It is a fiesta of colors, marigolds and zinnias, snapdragons, and more. We fill our buckets at the strawberry patch; my pockets are stained with ripe, red berries. The dandelion seeds will

Garden of Dreams

Spring comes slowly. It spills across the lawn, silky green blades, that seem eternal, but are not. It is lush and lovely like an emerald isle that is mine to wander. My bare feet can wade in the grass, feel the blush of youth between my toes. Last night, I listened to the owls calling

Attic Treasures

Dust off your dreams, unclutter your mind, and begin again. Like attic treasures, long forgotten, our dreams whisper in the corridors of our days. In the morning light, brush away the cobwebs the stagnant mist of things undone. The dreams, they shimmer in the sunlight. They dance at the hint of dawn in the far-away

The Egg Hunt

It has become a tradition in our family to have an annual egg hunt at Eastertime. Many years, we have hosted the hunt at our house, but other family members have hosted the event as well. After church on Easter, we all gather in the mid afternoon for this fun-filled occasion. Over the years, the

Can it be?

Can it be that God painted the world with so much blue because He wanted us to live in wonder? He wanted our dreams to mirror an expansive sky. He wanted us to question the ocean deep to know the fathomless depth of His love. So much blue, with ringlets of clouds and white caps

Bella’s Garden

It has been a long week at our house! We lost our almost fifteen-year-old German Shepherd-Husky dog two days before Valentine's day. It seems in life that our pets always leave us too soon. Oddly, although her fifteenth birthday would have been on March 7, 2023, February seemed like the month meant for us to

The Beauty of Life

Yesterday, I looked out my kitchen window, and there in all of its glory, was a stunning red cardinal. Against the backdrop of brown leaves and barren tree limbs, he stood out in bold perfection. I wandered outdoors and discovered that more of my daffodils were in full bloom. We expect freezing rain this coming

A Rose in Winter

Is there anything more beautiful than a stunning red rose? My husband brought me a bouquet of roses just the other day. Suddenly, all my Christmas decorations paled in comparison! There are few things that we can find in a store that are lovelier than what we find in nature. That is why we are

November Snow

The green leaves of summer are gone; all that greenery, simply vanished overnight. Or is it that just the way it seems, when November dawns and a new chapter begins? We mark the pages with autumnal gold and write all sorts of notes in the margins. There are so many things we want to remember