Can it be?

Can it be

that God painted the world with so much blue

because He wanted us to live in wonder?

He wanted our dreams to mirror an expansive sky.

He wanted us to question the ocean deep

to know the fathomless depth of His love.

So much blue, with ringlets of clouds and white caps upon the sea.

So much blue, to mark our days, from sun-up to sun-down

touches of orange haze, and lavender hues.

So much blue, like ribbons of hope

woven into the fabric of our lives,

garments of everlasting beauty.

Psalm 96:1: “Sing to the Lord a new song; Sing to the Lord all the earth.”

Twelve Days at Sea

My husband and I just returned from twelve days at sea! We left on a cruise from Baltimore, Maryland, and we were able to visit five beautiful islands. I cannot pick a favorite because all of them were lovely. Our first stop was St. Croix. Then, we went to St. Maarten. The next stop was Antigua. After that, was Barbados and St. Kitts. St. Kitts was especially pretty with the mountains and the sea. Still, every island had its own special charm.

God has created so many beautiful places…in our own backyard, and all over the world. This morning, the birds were happily singing as I had my morning coffee. They always remind me that a new day is cause for celebration.

Every morning, God creates a brand-new day. Each and every day, God works miracles and changes the world.

I believe that God wishes for us to start each day as a brand-new thing, a place to start again. Life will never be perfect, but that is not the point.

We must take heed of the wisdom to be found in God’s small, feathered creatures. They start the day in song, whether it is sunny or cloudy.

We should do the same! A new day is upon us! In big and small ways, God is creating a brand-new thing right this very moment…

It was a little bit windy!

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. A delightful interlude. Thank you, Linda!

    1. It was a wonderful trip! I am definitely a beach person! Each place was a little bit different, but the beaches were amazing! Some had more seaweed than others, and some were just pure white sand. (I always bring my beach shoes in case it is rocky…)

  2. I’m so glad you got to on that cruise! Years ago, we went on a cruise to Barbados, Antigua, St. Thomas and Martinique and loved it. I hope to go again some day. But to get to the point of your post, yes. We absolutely need to appreciate the beauty that God gave us, and be willing to start each day anew!

    1. Your cruise sounds delightful! It all goes by so quickly… the days seem to go by so fast on a trip. Yes, there is beauty to be found each and every day. The other night when we came home in the evening, the stars looked like glitter. We stood outside for a while before we came in. I could not get a picture of that, but I wish that I could have.

  3. I love your ode to blue! I’m put in mind of Gerard Manley Hopkins’s “Pied Beauty.”

    1. Thank you! “Pied Beauty’ is a wonderful poem!!! We do praise God for all the wonder and beauty that He has created. Springtime is upon us, and each little flower is so breathtakingly lovely. I have some grape hyacinths that are blooming right now…such happy bursts of color in the yard!

      1. You’re welcome! “Pied Beauty” is one of my favorite poems.

      1. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Beautiful shots. Great description, too. Yes, getting away is not only needed, but it’s biblical. Jesus did it. God’s grip – Alan

    1. Thank you! Yes, getting away is a very good thing! God speaks to us in many ways. When we travel, we meet new people and gain new perspectives on life. Breaking out of our routines opens up ‘windows’ to see things more clearly.

  5. Beautiful pictures! I’ve never been on a cruise but would love to go! I absolutely love your ode to blue!

    1. Thank you! Blue was always my favorite color. I also like pink. Somehow, blue is mesmerizing. It is the color of the sky and sea. I hope you go on a cruise someday! You can plan one way ahead. There are so many ships to choose from and so many destinations. ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. Youโ€™re welcome! Yes, I should! I had one booked onceโ€ฆmust try again!

        1. Yes! It is fun just to look at all the places and think about it. It is said that half the fun of taking a trip is planning for it. I believe there is a lot of truth to that. I am like a little kid that way…it makes me happy just thinking about a special place…and maybe, one day, I will go there. But, even if I don’t, I have read about the place, and I learn a lot about it. Even if I never get there, now I have this little dream and that is a wonderful thing in itself!!!

          1. Linda, thatโ€™s beautiful! Thatโ€™s exactly how I feel. I lived in my RV for 4 years and wandered around. I could be ready in 20 minutes to hit the road. Thatโ€™s why I need to hit the sea! Lol โ€ฆ
            My darn cancer diagnosis has changed my reality; but never my dreams!

          2. You are in my prayers…I pray for your health and healing. Your spirit of adventure is a wonderful thing. Our dreams matter to God. He loves each one of us so very much. Love is powerful medicine for the body and the soul. In this life, we can’t figure everything out and we are not supposed to. We can trust God’s promises and His love. It is that love that sustains and guides us all of our days. In the end, it is the only thing that really matters.

          3. Linda, thank you for your prayers and wisdom! Yes, love is all that matters. I appreciate you! ๐Ÿ’š

          4. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. You are on to something with blue Linda. Love the thoughts and pictures. You are even wearing blue.
    My wife and I have signed up for three different cruises in our lifetime together. All three were interrupted (before we could go) by life crisis. So, like in baseball…we are out. I still enjoy others great times though.

    1. I know how much you appreciate nature and the great outdoors! There is so much beauty to be found all around us. A cruise ship is one way of seeing the world. I have seen many wonderful places on foot or riding on the back of a horse when I was a young girl. A cruise ship is a very busy place with a lot of people on board. You do see and experience a great deal, but you have to seek out some quiet moments as well. (The one picture is a little blurry…it was taken through the window on a bus tour to the beach.)

  7. your blue ode is delightful, your pics stunning and so nice to finally meet hubby ๐Ÿ™‚ Sounds like you had an amazing trip although I don’t know any of those places your poetry and pics draw me in ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. The water was so very beautiful…so calming. The more time we spend outdoors in God’s creation, the more contentment we find. There is something so magical about the sea. It is hard to put into words…:)

      1. exactly why I’m grateful to live near it again!

  8. Beautiful words to live by and beautiful photos!

    1. I took a lot of pictures! God’s handiwork is spectacular in every detail! ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I’ve always felt as if the sea brings me closer to God. Maybe it’s because the sound the waves help filter out the chaos of the world. As such, it’s so nice to know that you had the sea and all the shades of blue as your companion for 12 lovely days. I imagine that despite being home now, you must still hear the sea in your ears and in your heart.

    1. Yes, that is true…I hear the sea in my ears and in my heart. The sea is mysterious, and I am drawn to that. In life, we always want answers. We always want to know ‘why”? Our faith teaches us to trust. Jesus goes before us and leads the way. When I walk beside the sea, I understand that life is so much bigger than we are, and God’s plans so much bigger than anything we can imagine. It helps me to remember who I am, a child of God, one who listens to the winds and the waves, one who trusts the One who made them.

  10. Blue is such a lovely colour. You reminded me of Psalm 19:1 โ€œThe heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.โ€ Your photos are exquisite, Linda.

    1. That is a beautiful passage from Psalms! Our blessings do indeed ‘overflow’! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. Linda, Your opening poem is beautiful just like the pictures from your journey. Thank you for blessing us with both.

    1. Thank you! I feel blessed by this journey… the quiet moments by the sea, time to reflect on God’s creation. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. What a wonderful trip, Linda. Oh, I’d love a little blue right now – sky, seas, flowers,… I’ll take it. A beautiful poem and reflection, my friend.

    1. Thank you! This time of year, I always look forward to the ‘bluebells’ in Virginia, blue wildflowers that cover the fields. It is such an awesome occurrence in the springtime. Spring is a magical time…all that was hidden in the earth breaks forth. I am always amazed at how quickly everything grows once the warm weather arrives. You turn around and all the little green shoots keep rising and flowering. Every spring comes and yet every spring is altogether new. Praise God for His bountiful creation…it is without end, and always overflowing in both mystery and beauty.

  13. Looks beautiful. God has made our world a beautiful place, we just need to pay attention to it and be thankful. Happy that you had a nice time.

    1. In every nook and cranny, there is beauty to be found. When we are looking for it, we find it everywhere. You are right…’we need to pay attention’. Thank you for your very insightful comment. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Love your reflection on the color blue, Linda. There’s nothing like being out in the ocean, surrounded by blue water and blue sky! Just for fun I looked up the symbolism of blue: serenity, stability, inspiration, and wisdom. Now I’m thinking, perhaps God painted the world with so much blue because he wanted us to be reminded of him, our Source of those four qualities in our lives.

    1. Thank you Nancy for looking up the symbolism for blue! What a beautiful thought that God wished those four qualities for us…serenity, stability, inspiration, and wisdom. Now, when I look at the sea, I will remember your wise and wonderful words. Thank you! I have always thought of God when I looked at the ocean. It is His masterpiece. I never thought of ‘blue’ with those attributes. God is the source of all those things…

  15. Lovely words, Linda. I hope you had a wonderful cruise, too. I’ve never been on a cruise but it’s definitely a must-do for me!

    1. Thank you! There are so many cruise ships to choose from and so many destinations!

  16. What a blessing to travel and explore together. When I was young and energetic, I resisted blue. Living next to big water and big sky, I love it. Besides, blue has so many hues, and watching how the water reflects the changing sky is definitely very calming. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Yes! The changing hues of the water are just incredible. It is very calming and peaceful! ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Itโ€™s been so gray and dreary here that I canโ€™t help but think how wonderful it will be to see all the different colors of spring popping up soon. Your lovely opening prose has me reflecting on all the shades of blue that God has given us to enjoy. You must have marveled in it all on your cruise. Such lovely pictures and words youโ€™ve shared, Linda.

    1. We are all ready for spring! It is so nice to have some warm-weather days after a long winter. God has blessed us with so much wonder in the natural world. I was watching a male Cardinal out on my back deck yesterday morning. He was just stunning! Our Azaleas are about to bloom, and I have one that is almost the same color as that Cardinal!

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