The Little Things Count

We often dismiss the little things in life, but oddly, it is the little things that define our days. It is all the choices we make day in and day out that tell the story of our lives. When we choose the smallest of things that make us happy, it has a ripple effect. The bigger problems seem easier to deal with and we have the grace to simply  ‘carry on’.

Today, I wore my purple shoes; these shoes have just enough ‘punch’ to lift your spirits…especially, if you put them on early in the day! I am an early riser, so it is still dark when I reach in my closet for a pair of shoes. Sometimes, I pick up a pair of my ‘fun’ shoes.  These are shoes that I like, but seldom wear because they don’t match much of anything in my wardrobe. Many times, these shoes go back in the closet!

I am rarely disappointed when I choose to wear a pair of red shoes, or even a purple pair. That flash of color is like a wake-up call all day, keeping me energized.

It is interesting, but when we make small changes in our surroundings, or in our wardrobe, it really makes a difference in how we feel…especially, if it is something out of the ordinary.

It might be a bouquet of fresh flowers we place on the kitchen table, or a wreath we hang in our hallway. Or, it could be a bright, red scarf we wear on a cold, winter day.

The little things count. These small changes inspire us. They really are the flowers in the garden of life because they change things up.

Our gardens may be unruly. There may be many things left undone that we would like to have finished. The weeds tug at our hearts. The vines threaten to strangle us. And there are bulbs we long to plant, and we just never get around to doing that.

Still, there is mystery and beauty in this garden of life. There are secret places we have not yet discovered. And there are walks in the garden we have not yet taken…maybe in the moonlight or at the break of day. Maybe, when we are tired and do not want to walk at all.

Choose to wear the purple shoes or that tangerine sweater. Walk barefoot if that pleases you. Just keep walking. Keep noticing all the odd and beautiful things you encounter along the way.

It is the little things in the garden that matter most of all. It is not the perfect things we might have done or something extraordinary. It is just the walk and the people you meet along the way, and all the things that bloomed when you never thought they would. It is the tears you cried so your soul would appreciate the journey.

Yes, the little things count. Count the blessings, and not the things that tear you apart. Count the joy, and leave everything else behind you.

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. Loved this, especially the last line!

  2. That is the hardest part to follow for all of us…to keep counting the joy and leave the rest behind! There will always be trials and tribulations in life. Jesus promises abundant life in Him and that is our stronghold for all our days. We are never alone and we have joy in his perpetual presence with us in all we do…good times and bad times.The twenty-third Psalm says it best of all…our cup of blessing does overflow. The goodness and mercy of God are without end.

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