Signs of Hope

In the midst of this pandemic, it is imperative that we hold onto hope; hope makes it possible to endure all things, knowing that God is always working on our behalf. As it is written in Romans 5: 3-5: “And not only this, but we exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who was given to us.”

A few weeks ago, all of my children and grandchildren were gathered together at our house. It was a festive occasion just because we were all together at one time! Now that three of our children are married with families of their own, it is much harder to pull off these events…it takes a lot of planning ahead of time. It just so happens that for the first time ever, I had decided to have an ‘Easter tree’. What better time than with the little ones about to decorate the tree?

So, we made ornaments together! We tied string on the plastic eggs, and crafted some decorations with whatever I had on hand. We hung garlands of flowers and eggs on the tree, and then we lit the tree with all those little white lights glowing. It was magical! The children were enchanted, and I felt so much joy watching them dance around the house.

Children, being children, always know when there is fun to be had. Suddenly, the grandchildren were running around the house looking for baskets and hiding eggs to play hide and seek. Even the babies were on the floor reaching for the colorful plastic eggs.

Little did I know at the time that this would be our ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ this year. Our annual egg hunt with friends, family, and neighbors, would not be happening because of social distancing and the Corona virus. Looking back, I can only thank God for these precious moments. Easter came early at our house, but it came with an abundance of bliss…and now, the memories of those moments bring me profound joy.

God is good. He is always good, no matter the circumstance we face. ‘Easter joy’ is for every day, not just Easter Sunday. And maybe now, more than ever, we need to look to little children for answers on how we should live in these uncertain days. Children have so much to teach us about life and about faith in God.

For the most part, children live in the moment. They do not ‘borrow’ trouble ahead of time. They know that God loves them. They trust God to take care of them no matter what.

Scripture reminds us that there are times when we must be ‘still’: “The Lord will fight for you: you need only be still.” (Exodus 14:14) If we reflect on this passage, we are reminded of what God’s people were up against at this time and it was crucial for them to be still, much as we are now called to stillness. Pharoah’s army was ready to overtake the Israelites as they made their escape from bondage in Egypt. They desperately needed an escape plan, but they had to wait for God to act. The parting of the Red Sea was not something they could have planned on their own; God made a way for His people. But until that final moment as they stepped upon solid ground and made their way, the situation must have seemed hopeless.

If we look carefully now at what is happening all around the world, we will see miracles occurring everywhere; we will see signs of hope as God works through His people. Jeremiah 33:6: “I will bring health and healing.” God brings doctors, nurses, ships bearing the names USNS Mercy and USNS Comfort; God works through the carnage and uses each and every one of us to bring about wellness and peace.

Our joy in Christ is new each morning, His light a beacon for all time. The shadows of this world cannot contain us; we are free. As the psalmist reminds us in Psalm 118:24: “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. I love this so much. This will probably be one of your most memorable Easter’s with your Grandchildren.

    1. You are so right. God works in mysterious ways. The strange thing was as everything was taking place, that I knew in my heart it was a special moment. I sensed this great sense of urgency that day to have everything ‘Easter’. I even had out the play dough Easter eggs and the kids cut out shapes like we do for cookies. We did celebrate Easter and that is really incredible. 🙂

        1. You are so right…God knew I would need that Easter celebration. He knows my heart through and through. I thank Him for those blessed hours with the family…a balm for my soul when I need it the most.

          1. Wishing you blessings…new month starting tomorrow. It is hard to believe April is already here! 🙂

  2. Hi Linda. Great idea about the Easter Tree. I certainly can imagine one in front of our living room window. Terrific teaching tool for the kids. Being still is indeed hard. We flip & flop in God’s hands way too much. God’s grip & best of health for your entire clan. – Alan

    1. We have placed the tree on the porch…It is a happy thing! 🙂 The child in me is alive and well and I must confess that I love that egg hunt as much as the children do! Stay safe! It is hard to be still, but I believe God has much to teach us in these difficult days and hours. I so miss seeing everyone…especially our own children who live in different places.I do know that God is always working for our good; we lift up our hearts and our prayers, and He is right there with us.

  3. Glad your early Easter worked out for you. We understand how hard it is to get the whole family together at the same place and time.

    1. Yes! Only our youngest child is still at home with us. When we all get together at one time it is a celebration!

  4. Very glad that you had such a joyous family Easter celebration, what a lovely memory to warm your heart! Love the idea of easter trees, some people are having teddy bear hunts in their neighbourhood to amuse the kids as they walk around the block.

    Now is the time to get creative to relieve the angst many are feeling … faith helps but many lack that outlet …

    1. Stress is very high for people of all ages…including the kids, who need our encouragement now more than ever. I am pleased with all the fun ideas springing up for children…teddy bears to count in the windows, Christmas lights in many neighborhoods for them to see, and so many activities on line…movies, stories, and games. Little children do not always know how to voice their fears; they know their worlds have been turned upside-down. One day at a time, with hope and faith and gratitude, we will overcome…

      1. so very true, thanks Linda!

  5. What a beautiful post, Linda. Little surprises of ‘Easter eggs’ tucked into so many places in this writing. Oh, what delight to read this with the heart of a child…

    1. I do believe we must look at life now with eyes wide-open, but also with the heart of a child. God is with us in all the sordid details of this mess, trying to ease the burdens of His children. Our Heavenly Father wants only the best for His children; we belong to Him, and His arms are ready to enfold us. We place ourselves in His trust, knowing that ‘God’s ways are above our ways, and His thoughts above our thoughts.’ (Isaiah: 8-9) God promises to be with us always and His promises never fail.

  6. What an uplifting post! I love your family’s Easter tree.

    1. Thank you! It has brought us joy that is for sure. 🙂 Wishing you God’s peace…be safe, and early Easter greetings.

      1. Same to you, Linda!

        1. Thank you Liz!

          1. You’re welcome, Linda!

  7. Such a good point! I found myself wishing I could just go to sleep and wake up in about six weeks or so…and the I realized how stupid and shallow that was. Even with all that is going on, this is still “a day that the Lord has made” and it has good in it, and should not go to waste….

    1. Our whole concept of time seems to be in a lull. All we can do is make the most of each of these days in spite of this pandemic. The world seems to have slowed, and we are all waiting for it to be over. In this waiting time, we must pray and cultivate patience within ourselves…with the help of God.

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