Christmas: A Celebration of the Heart

When it comes to Christmas, I think we all have a storybook vision of what Christmas should look like; this is a vision created early in our childhood, and it is wrapped in the memories of all of our Christmastimes strung together. It is a unique vision because we all have different family customs and traditions. We just know what ‘Christmas’ feels like to us.

For some, it is the moment they step inside a church and hear Christmas carols, and the Christmas story read to them on Christmas Eve. I remember spending Christmas in Germany when I was an overseas college student. I was a bit homesick! But, after we had walked to church on a cold and crisp Christmas Eve, I heard the congregation singing, ‘Silent Night’, in German, as we stepped inside. Suddenly, the crystal clear night was all at once beautiful and full of peace. I was ‘home’ for Christmas with every lilting note of a song I knew in English by heart. I do not speak German, but the familiar tune was enough to comfort me. When we walked home later beneath a sea of stars, I felt so much joy.

When my mother was a child, she went with her parents on Christmas Eve to find a tree. Then, they decorated it that very night. In those quiet hours of the evening before Christmas morning, the lights were strung on the tree and the vintage ornaments set in place. ‘Christmas’, arrived in the house with the smell of Swedish ginger cookies, (pepparkakor), freshly baking in the oven, and the smell of pine from the tree. These crisp cookies could be hung on the tree with red ribbons. The cookies were shaped as stars, hearts, or flowers, and looked lovely on the Christmas tree.

This year under the Christmas tree, I have put out my collection of Christmas teddy bears. Now, that I have little grandchildren, the bears are great play companions. I want the littlest ones to know that Christmas is not just about ‘forbidden’ ornaments that you cannot touch or hold. They are welcome to play with the bears! (I even have a little table if they would like to have a Christmas teddy bear tea!)

Each and every Christmas, we make Christmas memories. As Walt Disney said, “A dream is a wish your heart makes.” And we do make Christmas wishes! As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, we celebrate Christmas with joy in our hearts. It is only natural that we want to express that joy in ways that seem right for us.

In Denmark, there is a tradition of giving books for Christmas gifts. I think this is a delightful idea! Before going to sleep on Christmas Eve in Denmark, many Danes are tucked into bed, reading a book especially gifted to them by someone they love.

A book is a gift to treasure! I have a great many books, and I have several book shelves in my house. Some of my favorite books are actually Christmas books. Early in December, I take out a stack of books and make a note of which cookies and which new decorating ideas that I would like to try. And of course, the Holy Bible, is within easy reach, so I can read the Christmas story again and again.

When you really stop to think about it, a ‘storybook Christmas’, is a book without end. There are angel gifts to buy, Christmas cards to send, cookies to bake, trees to decorate, and hearts to embrace. Yes, a storybook Christmas is exactly that; it is a heart-shaped book full of love to give away. It is a book you read over again and again. It becomes your ‘Book of Life’, full of the good news of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. He came to give us abundant life and life eternal.(John 10:10)

God gives each of us our very own storybook. The pages fill up, the ‘sugar plums’ dance before our eyes, visions of hope and joy possible in our daily encounter with Christ. In the words of Helen Steiner Rice: “Peace on earth will come to stay, When we live Christmas every day.”

Christmas day will come and Christmas day will go. We will take down our sparkling lights and put our decorations away. But, our storybook Christmas lives on in our hearts. It is as if we fell asleep, and all night long, a still and steady snow fell upon the earth on Christmas Eve; we awaken to a white blanket that has covered the earth in eternal love. With that blanket, we are cleansed of our sins, and all is made new. Our storybook Christmas is perfect in every way, as dazzling as the new fallen snow, and we are very much ready to turn the page and start again…our storybook dreams unfold day by day, all the days of our lives.

“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name, Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins.” Matthew 1:21

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. I love my “storybook” Christmas…even the ones that were painful have shaped my story

    1. All things shape our stories. I am sorry for the painful memories. I believe though, that as we embrace our stories, everything included, we find peace. In the end, there is nothing greater than that peace. In order to celebrate the present hour, we must accept all that has come before.

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  2. Thank you for this lovely reflection on the true meaning of Christmas.

    1. Good Morning Liz! I hope all is going well for you. The time seems to fly by now in the days leading up to Christmas. I always have so many things I want to do. This year I do have to slow down some, and choose my favorite things. My husband mentioned this morning that he would love to help with the baking. Somehow, there is nothing like the aroma in the house of Christmas cookies fresh out of the oven. (I do like to eat cookies! πŸ™‚

  3. Once again, Linda, you painted some terrific scenes for me. Very festive. “God bless us, everyone.”. Amen.

    1. I am feeling festive! Soon, I will write my annual Christmas letter, and write out my Christmas cards. I am all about tradition; I love all the little details of the season. Last night, we drove through our little town and everything is lit up and decorated for Christmas. It is just magical. I wish you the joy of this beautiful season of light!

  4. Ooooo, how I loved this post and the photos! I feel as if Christmas is already here. Only a heart that truly loves can think of teddy bears under tree and a table for teddies’ tea!
    I wish there was a way to make Christmas live on inside me, long after it is over.
    Placing that wish in my guardian angel’s hands. even if I don’t know how, he would, I’m sure.

    1. Your guardian angel certainly can help in regard to Christmas wishes! I wish this for you also! We had a bit of a snow shower early this morning…just a little. It feels like winter! I would love to have some snow that would stick. Snow is so much nicer than cold rain!

      1. I’m going to pray for some nice snow for you, Linda. Not too much that you have to start worrying about power cuts and the like, but just enough to make it a storybook~Christmas😊❀

        1. Oh, that is so sweet of you! I do so love a little dusting of snow. These cold, rainy days are so very damp. We have had a string of them recently…

  5. Your tree and your table are just lovely! And I like the idea of putting teddy bears under the tree for little ones to play with. When my children were little, we had the big tree upstairs with breakable ornaments, and a little tree downstairs that they could decorate and play with as much as they wanted to. All the ornaments were unbreakable and safe for kids. My daughter has already started that tradition with her son, although he has a little tree in his own room to play with. But thanks for this post. It reminded me of the essence of Christmas, which is still here, despite the circumstances. One of my favorite parts of Christmas is the Christmas Eve candlelight service, especially when we sing Silent Night in a church lit only by candles. I’ll miss that this year, but you can bet we’ll still be listening to that song on Christmas Eve, and you can bet I’ll be reading the Christmas story from the Bible that night too. This year, we just have to do it ourselves!

    1. The table is at my house in the dining room, but the tree is at one of my son’s houses. I love seeing my grown children’s houses and trees decorated for Christmas. They are all very creative. You are right, Ann. There are things we must do for ourselves this Christmas. We will still make memories! We will still celebrate Christmas in our hearts!

  6. love this reflective ‘storybook’ analogy and your tree and dining table look so welcoming!

    I am reminded of the Teddy Bears Picnic, one of my favourite songs … I’m sure your grandies will have great fun and know the spiritual meaning of the season πŸ™‚

    1. I do like the house to feel welcoming whatever the season! I love teddy bears. I often had tea parties with my children and we invited their bears!:) It is nice to do that again with the grandchildren.

      1. yes a delightful family tradition!

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  7. This is such a beautiful post! It reminded me of the magic of Christmas, of being a kid.

    1. I am so glad! πŸ™‚ Wishing you blessings in this wonderful season. Soon, you will be in your lovely garden office…what a wonderful thing to look forward to in 2021!

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