Stepping Stones of Life

Sometimes, the streams in life seem icy-cold; we stand mid-stream, afraid to move.

There is always the fear of falling.

The stream makes its way to a river, the ebb and flow of life, moving us forward.

We cannot see around the bend; all we can do is take it one step at a time.

But, should we slip, take that plunge, we could begin again.

We know where we are headed, come what may; no icy spill could deter us.

The stones we choose mark our way, mark our days, mark our journey to the sea.

We must keep our gaze upon that sea of life, our destination sure; the colorful fishes leap for joy!

The stones are a record of our days upon the earth; the stones tell our life story.

Each and every stone is a remembrance, even the places where we paused, the times fear held us captive.

If only we had understood that all the stones lead us home; our passage was secure from start to finish.

From God’s own mountain of purest love, snow falls from the heavens; holy water flows in a mysterious rush, from a trickle that wanders in a stream, to the greatest oceans, deep and wide.

Sometimes, the streams in life seem icy-cold; we make our way day by day, the stepping stones to eternity, but a touchstone within our very hearts.

Matthew 4:19: “Come follow me, Jesus said, “And I will make you fishers of men.”

1 Peter 2: 3-5:  "Now that you have tasted that the Lord is good. As you come to him, the living stone - rejected by humans, but chosen by God and precious to Him - you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. Linda, this is beautiful and profound! I love these gorgeous photos of God’s glory! And your words flow through the twists and turns of life reminding us of our eternal home, won for us by Christ, our Living Water. Thank you for this refreshing word! Be blessed, sister!

    1. Thank you Melissa! I wish you blessings this day as well! The times have been hard, but we know that God will see us through!

  2. Love the imagery that you used !

    1. We are so blessed! God walks the walk with us and blesses the very stones we touch. We tremble, but He wants us to be fearless. We must take His hand in this river of life; only then, will we know peace.

  3. A lovely reflection!!!

    1. Thank you! Life is not always easy, but it is a gift from God to be opened each day; it is full of wonder and beauty!

  4. This made me think of slippery slopes, many of which I have tried to negotiate in life, where only God’s grip can be the stabilizer. Thank you, Linda. – Alan

    1. It is best to trust God on the slippery slopes! Only He can see the patches of ice further down the hill. We must trust His guidance, no matter what! πŸ™‚

  5. Such an effective use of metaphor in this reflection! I love the nature photographs. Are the scenes near where you live?

    1. The river scenes are from our trip to Asheville, North Carolina.{Ledges Whitewater River Park) It was so beautiful there. The mountain scene is from a trip to the Shenandoah Mountains. I love the ocean…but, it is not hard to fall in love with the mountains!

      1. My husband and I took a trip to Asheville back in the ’90s. The Blue Ridge Mountains are incredibly beautiful. I would love to go back.

        1. Asheville was an amazing place to visit. I would like to go back also!

      2. Beautiful words! And inspiring as always!

        1. Thank you Collene! I hope you are stepping into a beautiful day today! We have cloudy skies this morning, but the promise of sunshine later in the afternoon.

  6. such wise words and lovely metaphor, love your pics … your imagery weaves wonders!

    1. Thank you! Looking at these pictures, I am ready for another trip to the mountains! πŸ™‚

      1. good for you, pray you get there soon!

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  7. Beautiful post Linda and the photos you use really compliment it perfectly! x

    1. It was a beautiful place to take pictures of! πŸ™‚

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