A New Dream

Keep dreaming bigger dreams each day; wash the windows of your life as if every day were the first day of spring.

Make sure the view is squeaky-clean; there is no room for residue.

Breathe in the fresh and fragrant air of new beginnings; let the sun shine in the deepest corners of your heart.

May the colors of the sunrise lift your soul; may the glittering dew settle in all the broken places.

And, may you know the best dreamer of them all; He is the one that stirs your imagination, and searches your heart.

He is the Lord of us all, and He follows our footsteps into the morning mist; the trace of His own steps is everywhere.

The palette He creates each morning is spectacular; we arise to a new dream dawning as we awake each and every day.

Good Morning!

John 1:5: “This is the message we heard from Jesus and now declare to you; God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all.”

A new dream dawning…

So many colors to choose from…

Ribbons of joy woven into the fabric of each and every day…

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. A lovely reflection to begin my day, Linda. I will keep the windows of my life fresh and clean. Thank you.

    1. It is our own outlook that matters the most when we ‘look out’. 🙂 There will always be circumstances that can blur our vision; a positive view seems to save the day!

      1. How very well said – in everything give thanks!

        1. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Beautiful pictures! You described it perfectly- “And, may you know the best dreamer of them all; He is the one that stirs your imagination, and searches your heart. He is the Lord of us all, and He follows our footsteps into the morning mist; the trace of His own steps is everywhere. The palette He creates each morning is spectacular”

    1. I think we learn to dream from the dreams God inspires within our hearts. His dreams are always for our best good. Each day we get to start all over again…How blessed we are with our God who brings us new beginnings each and every day of our lives.

  3. Such beautiful photos, a good reminder to be thankful for the gift of a brand new day.

    1. Each day is a gift…We must keep our hearts and minds open to the wonder it holds.

  4. Great morning shots over the water make me a dreamer and stirs the imagination. Knowing the one who created dreams and makes them happen is truly priceless

    1. It is breathtaking to see the sun rise over the water. I have been to a few sunrise Easter services on the beach. I went to one with my father when I was about twenty years old in Florida. I can remember thinking that it was the most beautiful Easter service I could ever imagine.

  5. Beautiful post Linda and lovely photos to go with it too. The sky and it’s beautiful colours can bring so much inspiration to us!

    1. I love the idea that we start each day on a fresh new page. The sky is awesome! I can remember as a child just watching the clouds…

  6. We all need dreams like this!

    1. Yes, we do! 🙂

  7. Indeed, He stirs our imagination. Love that. Great pics, too. Thank you, Linda

    1. He does stir our imagination with good things! 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend!

  8. What a BEAUTIFUL prayer. 🙏💜

  9. Sometimes we need to be reminded of the new possibilities that God offers. Thanks for the reminder…and for the beautiful photos!

    1. Every day really is a new day and a new beginning. Tucked into every day are moments of grace where God intercedes for us; these moments change the way we see things and open up possibilities we never imagined.

  10. sincere words that resonate deeply to match your majestic pics Linda, great shots!

    1. Every sunrise is spectacular; every day a gift we get to open.:) 🙂 🙂

      1. so very true, how blessed we are!

  11. Every morning we start anew. Each day a new possibility. Beautiful sunrises!

    1. Yes! We are so blessed with new beginnings! 🙂

  12. Love that last line, Linda, about ribbons of joy woven into the fabric of each day. Amen to that! God is good–all the time–we just have to look a little harder some days to find those ribbons!

    1. Yes! The ribbons are always there and we find them in unexpected places. You are so right…some days the ribbons seem elusive. Perhaps, it is simply that like on a cloudy day, the sun breaks through the clouds here and again. But, it is only if we are looking and paying attention, that we notice the clouds drift apart and the sun appears.

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