
I step outside into a world of winter-white.

It is like stepping into a photograph, the remembrance of a time, not so very long ago.

The years have come and gone, like drifts of the deepest snow I must pass through.

Still, I feel the wind upon my face; I touch my cheeks, remember the rosy glow.

I was that child upon a sled, exuberant to make my passage down the hill.

I had no fear, or very little.

Strange, years later, I penned so many poems, trying to make sense of everything; but then, it was as if I lived within a poem.

The icy haze beneath my sled could not hold me back; there was only the wind that called my name, time and again.

Later, I rode a horse beside a silent sea, and the same wind followed me.

It follows me still, wherever I roam, rising soft and steady, a constant companion.

Life is not a dream, and yet, there are dreams woven throughout, a tapestry bound with a golden thread of light.

The gift is to live within the poetry of the moment, to write the pages upon your heart.

I step outside into a world of winter-white, like a silent sea of wonder; I look up to see the snowflakes cascading down, as if from heaven, all that perfect grace, too incredible to ponder.

I like this photograph as it reminds me of a snow cake! Something fun to think about…We did have two weekends of snowstorms. This past weekend we got about four to five inches. It is not a lot of snow for a great many places, but it is plenty for where we live in Virginia. Snow is always a big deal here. I believe I still look forward to it as I did when I was a child.

When I was a little girl, we did make snow cakes and we ate them! We put Vermont maple syrup on the snowy treats, and they were delicious. Lately, I have been thinking about how wonderful life can be if we look at it from a fresh perspective. Sometimes, we get into old habits in the way we look at things and we miss some of the beauty all around us.

Snow is always a fresh canvas, and our lives should be lived from that perspective as well. Part of the wonder of watching a snowfall is the solitude of the moment…we stop what we are doing, and simply watch the magic unfold.

Our days are like those snowflakes, fleeting, but full of promise. I have been taking walks in the snow…watching the birds, watching my Bella dog play and sniff in the winter world around her. The beauty of nature is so amazing in winter; the garden slumbers, but the birds and squirrels are busy! In our corner of the world, the owls have been quite talkative and busy as well. They are such a joy to listen to any time of the year!

When I step outdoors, I see everything in a brand-new light. It is as if the cares of the world slip away, if only for a while. The air is clean and crisp, and sometimes the smell of wood smoke from a neighbor’s fireplace, fills the air.

If I walk in the woods, I feel as though I have entered a sanctuary. There is a certain peace. There are no walls, no ceiling, no doors that open and close. The rooms are wide-open, airy, and full of mystery. I understand that in this space, I do not have to have all the answers to life’s questions. I need only walk and wonder…I need only to celebrate this moment in time.

It is a New year…I can make new tracks in the snow. I can dance in the snow if I like. I can make a snow angel if I want to. I can even make a snow cake on one of these snowy days and eat it…

Of late, there have been some patches of ice; in life, there are the icy roads that are hard to navigate. But somehow, when we allow ourselves to celebrate both the hard patches and the powder-snow moments of beauty, we come full circle. We understand that both the ice and the snow have things to teach us.

Ice is crystalline. It shimmers. It reflects the sunlight. It makes us take notice. It can also cause a nasty spill if we are not careful. We must be extra-vigilant when we walk on ice.

The pages of our lives are like the pages in a book. Each day is a page with an open canvas. More likely than not, the pages of our lives have weathered many a storm, and many a picture-perfect day. There are pages splattered with raindrops, and pages worn with rereading because they were so beautiful to remember.

Morning comes and we rise with the dawn of a new day. We ready ourselves for the canvas that awaits; it is full of promise, full of untold wonder. We need not fear the icy places, for God goes with us; our books are in His hands. And should we grow weary from time to time, when the world seems to weigh us down, we remember that up above, snow angels stand guard and watch…the ice will shift, the sun will shine, and we too, will rise again.

John 8:12: “Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Linda Raha is a Christian writer who has kept a journal for a great many years. The journal entries are a mix of poems, reflections, and anecdotes on any number of topics. For Linda, the theme of the sea is a recurring one. Her love of the ocean and spending time there manifests itself in much of what she writes.
  1. A lovely reflection to start my day. A very interesting thought – one that I will take with me today: β€œI penned so many poems, trying to make sense of everything; but then, it was as if I lived within a poem.

    1. I watch my grandchildren and they live in the ‘quiver’ of the moment. They express when they are happy or sad, and we need never have to guess! Toddlers definitely live much of life fully in the present, taking in all the action around them. They do live within the poetry of life itself…and it is such a gift! πŸ™‚

    2. Rebecca, that was my favorite line as well! 🌞

      1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  2. I will always want to live within Gods poetry and artwork of life, Pondering eternal moments whispering on the winds and starting new as fresh snow is a good thing. And yes, one must feel God’s pleasure even on slick ice while moving fingers toes and elbows to see if anything is broken. Maybe just the car?

    1. In life, there will always be some slick ice…places where we find ourselves, (or our car) spinning. Knowing that God is always in control, changes everything. We may not see that sharp curve up ahead, but God does…and He is already there, waiting for us. Especially in these recent Covid 19 years, we have lived with so much fear. But, as your photographs so clearly depict, the poetry of life is alive and well. We don’t want to miss it! πŸ™‚

  3. Linda, what a beautiful interlude on this cold (11 degrees) but sunny day in Iowa.

    1. I am glad that you have sunshine! We have had a cloudy day, and the last of our snow is melting. It is cold where you are!!! I wish you many blessings in these winter days…

      1. Thank you! I’ve been writing up a storm after several blah weeks, so I’m thanking God and rejoicing!

        1. I am happy for you! You are a prolific writer! (Much fruit on your writing vine…lucky for us, who get to read the stories!)

          1. I’m pretty much home-bound with fibromyalgia, so thank God every time brain fog is lifted!

        2. I’m glad to hear that you’re writing up a storm, Joy! It feels great, doesn’t it?

          1. It certainly does, after a spate of brain fog. I was so thankful to still feel like reading during that time, or having fun with blog posts. The longer form takes so much thinking and brain power!

          2. You’re so right that longer form takes a LOT of thinking and brain power!

  4. Beautiful πŸ’•β„οΈπŸ™πŸ»

    1. It has been a great many years since I put on a pair of ice skates, and I was not a terribly good skater!!! But, when I think back to those moments upon the ice, the world seemed so still and peaceful. Winter is a special time unto itself. Those frozen ponds where I skated were so lovely…such a beautiful world to contemplate!

      1. I’d love to try that again, Linda. It’s been several years since I’ve put on skates~especially ice skates. Your words are so beautiful and peaceful! β„οΈπŸ’™

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  5. A beautiful winter reflection, Linda. I had to smile when I read, “We must be extra-vigilant when we walk on ice.” In this last snowstorm, I took the dogs to walk along the river while the powdery flakes whirled around us. I knew full well there were some iced over puddles dotting the flood plain, but they were snow covered and I was carelessly paying more attention to the beauty around me than to the ground. Needless to say I took a slippery step and whoosh hit the ground (completely uninjured). The dogs were thrilled to find me at their level and gleefully hopped all over me licking my face. As a result of that not so distant experience your words, “We need not fear the icy places, for God goes with us; our books are in His hands.” resonates loudly.

    1. We do slip and slide…I remember falling once in the snow when I was pregnant with my daughter. I was worried, but all was well. I am glad you were okay! Sometimes, it is almost impossible not to take a tumble!!! The dogs do love the snow! They play like little kids. You are blessed with the pups…they are adorable! πŸ™‚

  6. Linda I think this is one of my favourite posts from you! This line, β€œ The gift is to live within the poetry of the moment, to write the pages upon your heart.” in particular!

    1. There is so much joy in the seemingly ordinary things…the truth is they are not ordinary at all. The more we take notice of these simple joys, the more they seem to occur. When we keep our eyes open to the poetry, we find the lines everywhere.

  7. Starting a new page today, and thankful for the many blessings all around me. Thank you, Linda, for the beautiful reflection you wrote.

    1. The fog is starting to lift a bit after the passing of my mom. I know that the best way to celebrate her life on this earth is to live life as my best self. That is what all mothers wish for their children. She would certainly not want me to be sad every day! πŸ™‚ When we lose someone close to us, we remember how precious life is, how precious our time is.

  8. This is beautiful! When it is snowing, I like to watch the snowflakes shape and wonder every time how marvelous they are. The wonder of nature. But when it is icy on the road or in life I do talk more to God.

    1. You are so right Svet! The snow is beautiful, but it can be quite hazardous as well. When I was young, we skied several times up in Vermont. I so loved the falling snow there, so magical, so peaceful. If I was not careful, I surely took a fall! (I could pretty much count on it.) πŸ™‚ Now, after living in the south for so many years, I don’t even like to drive in the snow. I know where you are there is piles and piles of snow. I so loved your last pictures…you live in a very beautiful place.

  9. I absolutely love your poem, Linda! I read it three times just to savor the words and the moments. I was that little girl on the sled. (I love your snow cake, too!)

    1. As I have said before, I believe we are kindred spirits! πŸ™‚ There is nothing quite like a snow cake…

  10. Linda, I admire the way you are able to put your thoughts onto paper. Your love of life and appreciation of Nature shines through. I am hoping for more snow here soon! 🌞

    1. I do hope that you get more snow!!! The seasons come and go so quickly…before we know it, it will be spring! πŸ™‚ My daffodils are already coming up! It is too soon, but here they are!

  11. What a lovely reflection of snowy days and winter wonders! We are kindred spirits, my friend. I love to read your poetry and imagine your world. I feel so connected to you and your perspective. ❀️❄️πŸ₯°β˜€οΈ

    1. The snow has been lovely…just enough to have fun in, and still fine enough to drive in! I feel like spring is so close because there are a great many daffodils in bloom. We have had a mix of very cold days, and warm days also. Nature does not know what to do! Wishing you blessings Elisa! May your coming week be full of happy moments…

  12. I want a maple syrup snow cake! Yum. Love your snow cake pic and the others. You made me remember being a child in the magical snow!

    1. Yes! We did have so much fun! πŸ™‚ I also made snow cream with my children…with vanilla extract and sweetened condensed milk.

  13. A beautiful reflection on winter and the snow, Linda. It brightened my cold drizzly morning. πŸ™‚

    1. It is cold and raining in my corner of the world today!!! I am trying to think springtime thoughts…we have been using our fireplace quite a bit this winter! πŸ™‚

  14. a stunning reflection Linda with powerful insight … the ice makes us cautious but all are needed to complete our life and our memories! Take care, know you are missing your mother but she is right there with you πŸ™‚

    1. I am missing the mom, but I know she is close within my heart! πŸ™‚ All of our experiences shape our lives…a mosaic of many things, and all of them have a purpose.

      1. well said, O wise one!

        1. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  15. Oh, Linda, this is just lovely! I love your posts…they are so full of wisdom and faith. And you know, the past couple of years have been especially challenging for my family, but what got me through it all was the simple prayer: “God, just be with me and give me the strength to deal with this.” And you know what? He was always there and he always provided the strength….. This post reminded me of that so strongly. Thank you!

    1. You are so right Ann! Psalm 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Knowing that God is always at our side, makes all the difference in the world. He makes the impossible, possible.

  16. Such a lovely reflection on snow–and the serenity it can create. Beautiful!

    1. Thank you! I am ready now for spring, but the snow is beautiful!

      1. Yes, I feel the same way.

  17. This is a gorgeous perspective, so alive with movement and love and pure enjoyment of life! I love the lyricism of it and the imagery the words bring to life.

    1. Thank you! Winter is fading into spring…each season offers its own gifts. All the daffodils are blooming early this year, but we still have our very cold days!

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