In the midst of this pandemic, it is imperative that we hold onto hope; hope makes it possible to endure all things, knowing that God is always working on our behalf. As it is written in Romans 5: 3-5: "And not only this, but we exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;
Author: Linda Raha
St. Patrick’s Day
It would be nice on this St. Patrick's Day for a merry band of leprechauns to carry off this Coronavirus (Covid 19) for us; still, even without a single lucky charm, we are being showered with blessings day in and day out. God never leaves us without a toolbox when there is work to be
In life, there are always times when we come to a crossroads; we are at a place where we must make a difficult decision. It could be anything from a major life change, like moving across the country, or taking a new career path. It might mean making an important decision concerning our health, or
An Open Window
Have you ever stood on tiptoe and looked in on your own life? It is like gazing at a mansion on a hill, and you get closer to take a peak. You find a window, and behold, it is a house of dusty corridors, places you have been, places that you know. Sunlight streams through
Love Letters
Wishing you this day all the love letters your heart can hold; may the music of life fill your soul in a sweet communion. Like the sea that dances upon the shore, may your feet dance all the days of your life; when you look up at the sweep of blue sky above, remember who
A New View
It is that time of year when we are longing for spring; we are ready to start a new chapter in our lives, one with a brand-new view. The 'glitter' of the holidays is over. Winter seems like a long stretch before those sun-dappled days of summer. Here, in the midst of February, is there
Beautiful Hearts
It is almost February, the month which brings us Valentine's Day, and the celebration of all those 'beautiful hearts', in our lives. Valentine's Day is for sweethearts, but it is more than that. Valentine's Day reminds us of how special all of our beloveds are. When we were children, we made Valentine's cards out of
The Art of Patience
It is a funny thing in life; we often cultivate patience with others, but have little left over for ourselves. We tell our friends and family members to take a break, get more sleep, nourish their bodies and souls. We worry about our children, our aging parents, our neighbors, our friends. We want them to
Embrace the Wonder
If you spend some time with little children, or share the company of your dog, you are immediately struck with a realization; life is better when you embrace the wonder of the world around you, and make room for some playful moments. Even with all the 'bad news' we hear on the television, there is
Bright and Shiny New Year
"As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." Mary Anne Radmacher A New Year is upon us; may this year 2020, be the year we seize every opportunity for joy. Christmas came and went, as it does each year, a beautiful passage where we remember anew that we do